Paul de Rousiers

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Paul de Rousiers (born January 16, 1857 in Rochechouart / western France, † March 28, 1934 in Paris ) was a French economist and social scientist .

Rousiers' main interests were business associations and organizations. In France (1898) he is regarded as a “sociologue et praticien du syndicalisme”, which, however, does not fully reflect his field of work. In his methods and interests he was multidisciplinary, social and economic. In addition to the topic of the trade unions , he dealt with corporate mergers, cartels and trusts . He was a recognized expert on the USA and its living conditions. In 1904 he wrote the foreword to the French translation of a book by Theodore Roosevelt , the American President from 1901 to 1909. Rousiers took on a leading role in the French scientific community - roughly comparable to that of Gustav Schmollers , the Nestor of the Historical School , whose reference person he also played was. In 1905 Schmoller praised Rousiers "as the most capable observer and portrayal of the American trusts". Rousiers had already risen to the doyen of the older French cartel theory at the beginning of the 20th century , which still referred to its subject matter as syndicats industriels . He was internationally known and respected and was often quoted at home and abroad. Some of his books - those with a strong US or UK reference - have also been translated into English. For the economic conference of the League of Nations in 1927 Rousiers wrote preparatory materials.

Writings of the author

  • La Vie Américaine. Firmin-Didot, Paris 1892 ( online ).
  • American Life. Firmin-Didot, Paris 1892 ( online ).
  • Le trade unionisme en Angleterre. Colin, Paris 1896.
  • The Labor Question in Britain. Macmillan and Co, London-New York 1896 ( online ).
  • Les industries monopolisées trusts aux États-Unis. Colin, Paris 1898.
  • The syndicats industriels de producteurs en France et à l'étranger. Trusts-Cartells-Comtoirs. Colin, Paris 1901.
  • Les Syndicats industriels de producteurs en France et à l'Étranger. Trusts-Cartells-Comptoirs-Ententes internationales. Colin, Paris 1912 ( online ).
  • Les grandes industries modern. Colin, Paris 1924-1928.
  • Les cartels et les trusts et leur evolution. Prepared for the preparatory committee for the international conference. Publications de la Société des Nations, Genève 1927.

Writings about the author

  • Antoine Savoye, "Paul de Rousiers, sociologue et praticien du syndicalisme", Cahiers Georges Sorel , No. 6, 1988, 52-77.
  • Robert Liefmann, "Newer French Cartel Literature ", Yearbooks for Economics and Statistics , 26, 3 (1903), pp. 676–690.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Antoine Savoye, "Paul de Rousiers, sociologue et praticien du syndicalisme", Cahiers Georges Sorel , No. 6, 1988, 52-77.
  2. L'ideal America / Th. Roosevelt; traduit par A. et E. de Rousiers, preface par Paul de Rousiers, Paris: Armand Colin, 1904
  3. Gustav Schmoller, "The relationship of the cartels to the state" in: Yearbook for Legislation, Administration and Economics in the German Empire 29 (1905), p. 330 (or 1564).