Paul and Napoleon

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Paul and Napoleon

Paul and Napoleon is a book series about the penguin Paul and the polar bear Napoleon, who live in the zoo of the "small town by the sea". You will experience various adventures and explain scientific questions about climate change in simple words. The stories incorporate real circumstances.


The authors Fernando Valero and Anna Wegner are members of the working group Glaciology of the Alfred Wegener Institute , which in 2007 under the direction of Henry Miller to that of the German Research Foundation advertised "Communicator Award - Stifterverband Science Award" was awarded.

The first book Paul and Napoleon - A Penguin at the North Pole was published in 2009, followed in 2010 by Paul and Napoleon - Around the World in One Night with a greeting from the Federal Minister of Education at the time, Annette Schavan . In December 2017 the third book Paul and Napoleon - A journey through time with the Klabautermann was published .


A penguin at the North Pole

Napoleon is a polar bear and always dreams of visiting his home and the places his mother described to him as a child. Paul, the curious penguin, likes to listen when the zoo visitors are talking. He learns that scientists are preparing an expedition - with a ship to the Arctic . Paul wants to learn more about the Arctic and allies with Napoleon. So the two animals decide to break out and go on an exciting journey to the Arctic.

'Paul and Napoleon - Around the World in One Night

Around the world in one night

“If we could fly like a bird, we could see the whole world. Then I could see what changes in the climate are taking place in different parts of the world. ”This is what eight-year-old Klaus dreams of, who also lives in the small town by the sea. The next day, Klaus has to give a lecture on climate change at school. He can't learn to fly so quickly, but suddenly the magic mouse Lilli appears, who claims to be able to travel around the world in one night. And so the four unequal companions Klaus, Paul, the penguin, Napoleon, the polar bear and Lilli set out to find out more about the climate. On their exciting journey they meet many animals that are suffering from climate change. You only have ten hours, otherwise you will have to stay where you are forever.

A journey through time with the Klabautermann

For hundreds of years the Klabautermann Kolja has lived in a tree trunk that was brought into Napoleon's enclosure as a toy . At the same time, a large climate conference with representatives from all countries is taking place in the small town by the sea. Klaus wants to convince the participants of the climate conference how serious the climate change is. Kolja is already 935 years old and has seen many extreme climatic events herself and has observed that people do not learn from them and do not prepare for them. Kolja doubts that people will manage to develop strategies this time to deal with climate change. Kolja wants Klaus to understand what he means and decides to show him what he has experienced. And so and so, the three friends go on a journey into the past together with Kolja.


The book was reviewed by Lilo Berg, editor-in-chief of the Berliner Zeitung , in the literature magazine, the supplement for the Frankfurt Book Fair in the Berliner Zeitung, Kölner Stadtanzeiger and Frankfurter Rundschau . Berg wrote: “What the authors of this book put in their mouths for primary school children is the best of expert knowledge: Fernando Valero and Anna Wegner work in polar research at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven. The many colorful illustrations are also from Valero. "

A penguin at the North Pole was rewritten as a play by a class at Lloyd-Gymnasium Bremerhaven . It was not only performed in the auditorium of the Lloyd-Gymnasium, but also on the stage of the Thea-Theo theater and on the stage of the Historisches Museum Bremerhaven .

Book editions

They were illustrated by Fernando Valero himself (age from 6 years):

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NW Verlag Paul and Napoleon - A penguin at the North Pole
  2. ^ NW Verlag Paul and Napoleon - Around the World in One Night
  3. ferval publisher of Popular Science and Arts Paul and Napoleon - A journey through time with the hobgoblin
  4. October 5, 2010, Berliner Zeitung, Kölner Stadtanzeiger and Frankfurter Rundschau, Literatur Magazin, supplement for the Frankfurt Book Fair, page 47.
  5. Lloyd Gymnasium, Bremerhaven: The 7c is on the trail of climate change and stages an exciting play
  6. ^ Theater Thea-Theo Theater performance in Thea-Theo
  7. Historical Museum Bremerhaven, theater performance