Paula (windmill)

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The Paula windmill

Paula is a Dutch mill that was built in Broitzem (today Braunschweig ) in 1863 and has been in Steinhude since 1912 . It replaced an old post windmill from 1670 at this location, which was destroyed by a lightning strike in 1911.


The “Paula” windmill is an eight-sided wooden earthen dutchman on a low stone base. The mill housing consists of wooden panels attached to a solid wooden beam frame. The straight, conical outer walls (approx. 25 ° to the vertical), as they are more common in Mecklenburg (Alt Schwerin mill), are characteristic, in contrast to the concave wooden mill towers on a high stone base that are common in the Netherlands and northern Germany. The mill has four floors including the cap (bottoms: bag bottom, grinding bottom, elevator bottom and cap bottom) with two grinders, a roller frame, an iron gear train, a flour sifter and also an elevator. The wings are regulated with louvre flaps controlled from the inside (by the wing shaft). The rotating mill cap in the bell shape, which is rarer compared to the boat shape (common in Central Germany as in the Dutch mill Beilrode) houses the obliquely inserted vane shaft, which carries the vane cross at the front and the comb wheel approximately in the middle. At the front and back of the canopy, a short or longer ogival tunnel is attached, at the front for the wing wave exit, at the rear for receiving and transmitting the 4 m high compass rose, which turns the wings in the respective wind direction. The main drive in the mill is the bunker , which is located in the fourth (cap) floor. It transfers the energy from the comb wheel , which is located on the vane shaft, to the vertical shaft. Two millstones form a grinding passage , with the upper of the two rotating to grind the grain that is fed between the two stones. The two millstones (Bodenstein and runners (stone)) are of a wooden cover, the tub , surrounded, which retains the grinding dust. In the sack bottom of the windmill there is a very old roller mill that could be used as an alternative to the millstones.


Another view of the mill

In 1670, Count Philipp I zu Schaumburg-Lippe gave the Steinhude community permission to build a post mill after a request had been submitted in 1668. The mill was necessary for the Steinhuder because at that time there was a compulsory meal . At first another mill was built, but it was subject to a tax, the wind tax , as it did not belong to the state. In 1691 the citizens of Steinhude offered the ruling Count 1000 thalers to replace the annual tax of 18 thalers. The count accepted, the mill was withdrawn from the supervision of the Hagenburg office, and the forced labor at the Hagenburg office was replaced. An application for a second grinding course was rejected in 1834.

In 1911, a lightning strike completely destroyed the old Steinhuder Bockmühle. In 1912, a group of Steinhude citizens bought a three-story Erdholländer from Broitzem near Braunschweig (now part of Braunschweig) as a replacement , the mill later called Paula (built in 1863 by Theodor Burgdorff, one of the most famous mill builders in Germany of the 19th century, for the miller Friedrich Wrede, Remodeling 1880). It was implemented and renewed by the Nienburg mill construction company Huischen (installation of two new flour sifters as well as a diesel and an auxiliary electric motor).

In 1935 the windmill received a new wing cross. In 1945 it was looted after being shut down during the Second World War . In 1948, after reconstruction and repair by the Huischen company, operations were resumed, using parts from other destroyed mills, as well as installing a grain silo and a seed cleaner.

After a hurricane in February 1962, a large part of the mill was badly damaged: the impeller shaft jumped out of the front bearing, the pinion broke, three of the four blades fell on the roof of the mill and destroyed it. However, the use of the mill was of no further interest to the shareholders at the time because of the newly built steam mills in the region and thus also the repair of the mill. In 1963 the “Association for the Preservation of Steinhuder Windmühle eV” was founded. In the same year he commissioned the repair of the mill. The new construction of the cap and the louvre wing was carried out by the Huischen company, the Weymann machine factory from Osnabrück cast a new comb wheel, and the "Paula" mill was refurbished using individual parts from other mills. From 1948 to 1979 Hubert Pare worked as a miller in the Steinhuder windmill. As a trained miller, Manfred Behme ran the Steinhuder windmill as a museum mill until 1998. His successor was the milling and mill construction technician Rüdiger Hagen as a volunteer supervising windmill "Paulas". In 2000 he was able to grind a few sacks of wheat again for the first time on the machines that he repaired and restored. Cracks in the foundation and in some beams, as well as damage to the crown gear and the crusher mechanism, led to the mill being shut down in 2001. From 2004 to May 2005 the mill building was renovated. Further restoration work on the interior is necessary to make the mill "grindable" again.

Of the eight windmills around the Steinhuder Meer, which were still in operation at the beginning of the 20th century in Steinhude, Großenheidorn, Altenhagen, Winzlar, Mardorf, Schneeren and two in Bergkirchen, the Steinhude “Paula” mill is the only one that is still complete with its technical equipment preserved mill. The mills used to be used by fishermen and sailors with their wings as wind direction indicators.


  • Rüdiger Hagen: Historic mills and their technology . Reprint-Verlag-Leipzig, Holzminden 2004, ISBN 3-8262-0822-6 .
  • Wilhelm Kleeberg: Lower Saxony mill history . Bösemann-Verlag, Detmold 1964.
  • Heinz Koberg : Mills around Hanover. Millers, mill places, mill technology. History and stories. Sultersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Hanover 1984, ISBN 3-87706-218-0 .

Web links

Commons : Windmühle Paula (Wunstorf-Steinhude)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Technology of the Steinhuder Windmühle ( Memento of the original from August 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. German Society for Milling Science and Mill Maintenance (DGM)
  3. History of the Steinhuder Windmühle ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 52 ° 27 '12.7 "  N , 9 ° 22' 7.3"  E