Paulo Moniz Maia

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Paulo Moniz Maia

Paulo Moniz Maia (born May 15, 1961 in Tapo , Portuguese Timor ) is a politician from East Timor . He is a member of the FRETILIN party and its central committee.

Maia is a trained lawyer. From 2012 to 2017 he was a member of the National Parliament of East Timor and a member of the Commission for Constitutional Affairs, Justice, Public Administration, Local Jurisprudence and Anti-Corruption (Commission A). In the 2017 elections , he failed to move back to FRETILIN's 59th place.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Profile on Parliament's website ( Memento of February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (Portuguese)
  2. La'o Hamutuk 2017 Timor-Leste Parliamentary Election - List of Parliamentary slates from all parties , accessed July 14, 2017.