Pausarius (Roman fleet)

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A pausarius (plural pausarii ) was a master oar or overseer of the rowers in the Roman fleet .

The pausarius supervised the rowers from the stern and commanded them with a mallet , with which he beat the beat, and a loud voice. Other names for the Pausarius were hortator or celeustes .

Three inscriptions from the sanctuary of Isis and Magna Mater in Mainz prove Pausarii, who were divided into Decuria , also for the Roman Rhine fleet .


Individual evidence

  1. Silius 6, 360.
  2. Festus p. 266 Lindsay; Ennius , annales 228: portisculus .
  3. Seneca , epistulae 56, 5.
  4. Plautus , Mercator 4, 2; CIL 6, 10075 .
  5. Polybios 1, 21; CIL 12, 5736 .
  6. AE 2004, 1020 ; AE 2004, 1021 ; AE 2004, 1022 . See Laurent Bricault : Associations isiaques d'Occident. In: Attilo Mastrocinque, Concetta Giuffrè Scibona (ed.): Demeter, Isis, Vesta and Cybele. Studies in Greek and Roman Religion in Honor of Giulia Sfameni Gasparro. Steiner, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-515-10075-5 , pp. 97-98; different Marion Witteyer : The sanctuary for Isis and Mater Magna. Texts and pictures. Zabern, Mainz 2004, pp. 20–21, no. 7–9, which sees it as cult personnel of Isis .