Pavle Fukarek

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Pavle Fukarek (born July 16, 1912 in Sarajevo ; † February 17, 1983 ibid) was a Yugoslav forest scientist , dendrologist , botanist , biogeographer and plant sociologist, whose field of work includes general questions about forest vegetation on the Balkan Peninsula, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina. Pavle Fukarek was from 1961 professor of the Sarajevo Forestry Faculty and from 1967 corresponding and from 1976 permanent member of the Bosnian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ANUBiH) ( Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine ). He was a liberation fighter in the communist-led struggle of the Yugoslav partisans against the German occupation and, among other things, received the ZAVNOBiH award for his life's work.

Scientific career

Pavle Fukarek graduated from high school in Sarajevo, graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry in Zagreb in 1939 and received his doctorate there in 1952. After completing his studies, Fukarek worked for a few years in the Sarajevo Forestry Directorate and was assigned to the forestry department in Nevesinje. From 1942 to 1943 he was imprisoned in the Mostar and Nevesinje camps. He then worked in the Mostar Forest Directorate and in 1944 joined the partisans first in Trebinje and then the ZAVNOBiH in Jajce and Fojnica. After the war, Fukarek worked in the Ministry of Forests and the Planning Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1948 he became a professor at the University of Mountain Economics, in 1949 he went to the later Forest Science Faculty in Sarajevo as a lecturer. In 1961 he was awarded a permanent professorship there. 1949–1954 he headed the Biological Institute of the Sarajev University. As head of the department for forest botany, he initiated the herbarium and a cartographic department.


Fukarek has published over 300 scientific papers, many of them in German on floristic, taxonomic and plant-sociological topics on silver fir, pine, the Balkan beech forests, and Serbian spruce. Fukarek is considered the most important dendrologist and one of the most important plant sociologists in the former Yugoslavia. On his initiative, in particular, primeval forest research and the protection of primeval forest reserves, especially in the Sutjeska National Park (Peručica Primeval Forest), were decisively promoted on the territory of Bosnia and two monographs were published on this. Fukarek's work was recognized by a special edition of the Bosnian Academy in 1983.

In addition to his work on the vegetation mapping of Yugoslavia, Pavle Fukarek was one of the main authors in both editions of the Šumarska Enciklopedija (German Encyclopedia of the Forest).

The tree species to which Fukarek paid particular attention were Greek maple , snake skin pine , silver fir , Serbian spruce and the like. a.


Fukarek was a member of the Société botanique de France (Paris), the Bavarian Botanical Society (Munich), the Zoological and Botanical Society (Vienna), the International Dendrology Society (London), as well as one of the founders and two-time directors of the Eastern Alpine-Dinaric Society.


  • P. Fukarek: Remarks on some Balkan and Balkano-Carpathian tree and shrub species. In: Fedde's repertory. 81 / 1-5 (1970), pp. 163-170, Wiley doi : 10.1002 / fedr. 19700810113

Web links

  • Biography of Pavle Fukarek with a list of his complete writings on HRVATSKO ŠUMARSKO DRUŠTVO (online:

Individual evidence

  1. Midhat Uščuplić: Pavle Fukarek. In: Jakov Sirotković (ed.): Enciklopedija Jugoslavije. 4, E-Hrv, Zagreb 1986. p. 292
  2. Stijepan Bertovic: Pavle Fukarek. In: Trpimir Macan (Ed.): Hrvatski Biografski Leksikon. 4, E-Gm, Leksikografski Zavod Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb 1998. p. 496
  3. (online: Hrvatski Sumarski List) (PDF file)