Pellegrino Tibaldi

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Holy Family

Pellegrino Tibaldi (* 1527 or 1532 in Púria (today to Valsolda ), † 1592 or May 27, 1596 in Milan ), actually Pellegrino di Tibaldo de 'Pellegrini, was an Italian painter and architect .

When Tibaldi went to Rome in 1547 to study the works of Michelangelo , architecture became a further focus of his artistic work. Cardinal Giovanni Poggi later commissioned him to decorate his palace in Bologna . Tibaldi did this with a cycle of pictures illustrating the adventures of Odysseus .

Through his decoration of the church of “St. James the Elder” of the Augustinian hermits (Bologna) he earned the honorary name Michelangelo riformato . In the stock exchange hall at Ancona he painted Heracles , who tamed the monsters , but now also delicate and graceful pictures in oil, mostly rich in figures, brightly colored and decorated with architecture. In 1562 Tibaldi was called to Pavia by Cardinal Carlo Borromeo to design the palace della Sapienza. In Milan he restored the archbishop's palace, and after completion of the construction of the church of the holy. Fidelis there he became the first architect of the cathedral in 1570 and as such modernized especially the interior of the same.

In 1586 he was called to Madrid by Philip II to draft the plan for the Escorial , in which he also painted the ceiling of the library. Appointed Marchese of Valsolda, the artist returned to Milan after nine years. There he died between the ages of 60 and 70.

His son Domenico (1532–1583) also made a name for himself as an architect and painter.


  • Christine Baltay: Pellegrino Tibaldi in Bologna and the marches . University Press, New York 1984.
  • Giuliano Briganti: Il manierismo e Pellegrino Tibaldi . Cosmopolita, Rome 1945.
  • Maria Gatti Perer u. a. (Ed.): Pellegrino Tibaldi. Nuovo proposte di studio . Amilcare Pizzi, Cinisello Balsamo 1990.
  • Morton S. Hansen: The art of hubris. Pellegrino Tibaldi in the papal states . University Press, Baltimore, Md. 2002, ISBN 0-493-60656-4 .
  • Marcus Kiefer: "Michelangelo riformato". Pellegrino Tibaldi in Bologna . Olms, Hildesheim 2000, ISBN 3-487-11182-9 .
  • Gianpietro Zanotti: Le pitture di Pellegrino Tibaldie di Niccolo Abbati esistenti nell'instituto di Bologna . Pasquali, Venice 1756.

Web links

Commons : Pellegrino Tibaldi  - collection of images, videos and audio files