Perique tobacco

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Perique tobacco is a rare type of tobacco (pronounced pe-rik). Perique is a red Burley tobacco grown and processed in St. James, Louisiana near New Orleans . Perique is a rare, slow burning, strong-tasting and strong tobacco.


Perique is dried like Burley , but for a shorter time. It is moistened with water and pressed in large oak or cypress barrels under high pressure. The resulting juice supports the fermentation . Every now and then it is taken out, then repackaged and further fermented. This process takes at least a full year, sometimes even longer. This gives the tobacco a full aroma. The nicotine content is high, normally Perique cannot be smoked pure. Because of its full character, Perique is used in small amounts in the mixes. About 5% in a mixture is the maximum ( according to its own information, Santa Fe Natural American Spirit contains about 10%). It is usually mixed with Virginia to give it more body. Escudo is a good representative of a Virginia blend with Perique. Dunhill's Elizabethan Mixture is also a good example from Virginia mixed with a hint of Perique. Tom's 'dark' Twist by Tom Darasz from Kiel (published at the end of 2016) contains Perique and Kentucky in a mixing ratio of 50% to 50% and is therefore probably one of the strongest tobaccos in the world.

The exact production is kept secret by the companies today. An old recipe for the production of 400 kg perique tobacco contains: 9 liters of rum , 4.5 liters of vinegar , 0.5 liters of valerian mixture , 30 grams of aniseed oil , 0.5 liters of black coffee extract , 30 grams of ground cloves , 30 grams powdered cinnamon , 1 kilo of licorice extract and about 22.5 liters of water.


This tobacco was first made by the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians over 400 years ago . The name Perique comes from the nickname for Pierre Chenet (Perique = Spanish nickname for Pierre), who is believed to be the first non-Indian to produce Perique tobacco.


  • Holger Frickert and Heiko Behrens: Smoke a pipe with full enjoyment. P. 129, Falken Verlag, 1993, ISBN 3806842272


  1. Frickert / Behrens "Smoking a pipe with full enjoyment", p. 129; ISBN 3806842272
  2. ^ Die Tobacco ( Memento from September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: Comprehensive information on the subject of tobacco consumption. Compiled by the participants of the newsgroup and other authors.
  3. " Glossary: ​​Perique-Tabak" ( Memento of the original from February 13, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /