Pero (daughter of Neleus)

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Pero ( Greek  Πηρώ ) is in Greek mythology a daughter of Neleus , king of Pylos , and of Chloris , daughter of the king of Orchomenos , Amphion . She is the sister of Nestor , Chromios and Periclymenus . Because of its outstanding beauty, Pero was much sought after. But her father only wanted to give her as a husband to him who brought him the cattle of Iphiklos . Bias , inflamed in love for Pero, asked his brother Melampus to steal the cattle for him, which he got involved in. Following a tradition, Melampus achieved his goal after a year after prophesying for Iphiklos and releasing him from childlessness, and Pero was married to the bias. According to another tradition, Neleus did not give up his daughter until after a battle.

From the connection of the Pero with Bias come Perialkes , Aretos and Alkesiboia or Alphesiboia . Other names that are mentioned are the Argonauts Talaos , Areios and Laodokos .

The further fate of the Pero is unknown. Bias later went to Argos with his brother and married Lysippe , a daughter of Proitos . Pero was depicted in a painting by Polygnots in the Lesche of Delphi .


Individual evidence

  1. Homer , Odyssey 11, 281-287; Library of Apollodor 1, 9, 9, who lists Tauros, Asterios, Pylaon, Deimachos, Eurybios, Epilaos, Phrasios, Eurymenes, Euagoras as other brothers.
  2. a b Homer, Odyssey 11, 291 and 15, 232–233.
  3. Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautica 1, 118 Laodokos there as Leodokos ; the library of Apollodorus 1, 9, 13 only mentions the talaos.
  4. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 2, 2.
  5. ^ Pausanias 10, 31, 9-10.