Perry Township (Carroll County, Ohio)

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Perry Township
Perry Township (Ohio)
Perry Township
Perry Township
Location in Ohio
Basic data
State : United States
State : Ohio
County : Carroll County
Coordinates : 40 ° 28 ′  N , 81 ° 6 ′  W Coordinates: 40 ° 28 ′  N , 81 ° 6 ′  W
Time zone : Eastern ( UTC − 5 / −4 )
Residents : 1,022 (as of: 2000)
Population density : 14.2 inhabitants per km 2
Area : 72.5 km 2  (approx. 28 mi 2 ) of
which 72.0 km 2  (approx. 28 mi 2 ) are land
Height : 385 m
Area code : +1 346
FIPS : 39-61784
GNIS ID : 1085834
Map of Carroll County Ohio With Municipal and Township Labels.PNG
Carroll County's townships

Perry Township is one of 14 townships of Carroll County in the US state of Ohio . According to the census in 2000 , 1022 inhabitants were registered here.


Perry Township is located in the south of Carroll County in east Ohio and is bordered clockwise by the townships: Union Township , Lee Township , Loudon Township , Rumley Township in Harrison County , North Township (Harrison County), Monroe Township (Harrison County), Orange Township and Monroe Township .


The township is administered by a Board of Trustees consisting of three elected members. Two people are elected in the year after the presidential election and one in the year before. The term of office usually lasts four years and begins on January 1st. There is also a township clerk (responsible for finances and budget), which is also elected for a four-year term in the year before the presidential election. His term of office begins on April 1st.

Individual evidence

  1. Population figures at ( Memento from February 12, 2020 in the web archive )