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The assassins in the dock (police illustration between April 7 and 10, 1881); from left to right Ryssakow, Michailow, Gelfman, Kibaltschitsch, Perovskaya and Schelyabow

Perwomartowzy ( German for  March 1 , Russian Первомартовцы , wiss. Transliteration Pervomartovcy ) were eight Russian Narodniki - more precisely, fighters within the left-wing terrorist association Narodnaja Wolja (Volkswille) - who were on March 1 July. / March 13,  1881 greg. Killed Alexander II with a bomb in Saint Petersburg .

Sometimes those students around Lenin's older brother Alexander Ulyanov , who in the late winter of 1887 Alexander III. wanted to kill, referred to as Pervomartowzy.

Historians disagree. Sometimes only the executed (see police illustration at the top right of the article), i.e. Andrei Scheljabow , Sofja Perovskaya , the bomb maker Nikolai Kibaltschitsch , Timofei Michailowitsch Michailow and Nikolai Ryssakow , are included in the Perwomartowzy family. But the majority of historians add Ignati Grinewizki , Nikolai Alexejewitsch Sablin and Gesja Mirovna Gelfman. Grinewizki himself was killed in the murder of the Tsar. Sablin shot himself when he was about to be arrested. And Gesja Gelfman initially escaped the rope through her pregnancy, but later died in custody after a purulent inflammation - probably as a result of failure to provide medical assistance.

The five executed were buried in the Preobrazhensky Cemetery in Saint Petersburg .

Web links

Commons : The March 1st  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Михайлов, Тимофей Михайлович
  2. Russian Саблин, Николай Алексеевич
  3. Russian Гельфман, Геся Мировна