Nikolai Ivanovich Ryssakov

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Nikolai Ryssakov
in 1880

Nikolai Ivanovich Ryssakow ( Russian Николай Иванович Рысаков , scientific. Transliteration Nikolai Ivanovich Rysakov ; born May 2 . Jul / 14. May  1861 greg. In the settlement Kurdjug , district Belozersk , province Novgorod , † April 3 jul. / April 15  1881 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian Narodnik - more precisely, a fighter within the Narodnaja Wolja ( people's will ). In 1881 the terrorist dropped the first of two bombs on Alexander II. The very second bomb, dropped shortly afterwards by Ignati Grinewizki at the same place , fatally injured the ruler.


Nikolai, the son of the sawmill manager Ivan Sergejewitsch Ryssakow and his wife Matrjona Nikolajewna Ryssakowa, attended elementary school in the district of Wytegra and then the secondary school in the district of Cherepovets . In the latter, Nikolai came under nihilistic influence on the part of the teachers . From 1878 Nikolai studied at the Saint Petersburg Mining Academy , but soon broke off his studies and joined the Narodniki in 1879 . After all, Nikolai Ryssakov, especially under the leadership of Andrei Schelyabow , was ready for terrorist action. In February 1881 he became a member of the combat group for the assassination of the Tsar.

On March 13, Alexander II left the Mikhailovsky Palace and got into his armored coach. Nikolai Ryssakov dropped a bomb under the Tsar's vehicle near the Griboyedov Canal . The bomb exploded under the horses and the carriage fell over. The explosion is said to have thrown the assassin against a fence. Nikolai Ryssakov was arrested at the scene. Several passers-by, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed in the explosion. Before Alexander II continued on foot towards the aforementioned canal, he is said to have asked the assassin for his name. Nikolai Ryssakow lied: "Citizen Glazov". He lived under this name in Petersburg. The tsar is said to have turned away and walked over to the canal. Ignati Grinewizki was waiting there with the second bomb.

The police had made a good catch with the surviving Nikolai Ryssakov. In view of the death penalty, the prisoner revealed everything he knew about Narodnaya Volja . Gesja Mirovna Gelfman was arrested on the same day in Teleschnaya Street in Petersburg. Her partner Nikolai Alexejewitsch Sablin, who was also present in the apartment, shot himself when the police approached. Two days later, Timofei Mikhailovich Mikhailov was arrested in the same apartment. Nikolai Ryssakow also gave the police information about Sofja Perovskaya , Vera Figner and Ivan Panteleimonovich Jemeljanow.

The assassins in the dock (police illustration between April 7 and 10, 1881); from left to right Ryssakow, Michailow, Gelfman, Kibaltschitsch, Perovskaya and Schelyabow

On April 15, Nikolai Ryssakow together with the common Perwomartowzy Timofei Mikhailov, Sofya Perovskaya, Andrei Scheljabow and the bomb maker Nikolai Kibalchich on the Petersburg Semyonov Square, the parade ground of the Semjonowskoje Life Guards regiment , hanged . Immediately before the execution, Sofja Perovskaya is said to have kissed every conspirator goodbye, but turned away from the traitor Ryssakov. Because of the five conspirators only Nikolai Ryssakov is said to have testified. All in vain - Alexander III. has not kept his promise to spare Ryssakov's life in return. The five corpses were buried anonymously - in a mass grave.

Web links

See also

Commons : The March 1st  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Курдюг
  2. Russian Санкт-Петербургский государственный горный университет
  3. Russian Тележная улица
  4. Russian Гельфман, Геся Мировна
  5. Russian Саблин, Николай Алексеевич
  6. Russian Михайлов, Тимофей Михайлович
  7. Russian Емельянов, Иван Пантелеймонович
  8. Russian Пионерская площадь (Санкт-Петербург)