Peter Friedrich Matthiessen

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Peter Friedrich Christian Matthiessen (born April 24, 1800 in Uetersen ; † 1865 in Glückstadt ) was a German author , lawyer and attorney .


He was born in 1800 as the son of a working-class family in Uetersen and, after completing his legal training , settled down as a lawyer at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . In 1832, Matthiessen became legal advisor for the noble estates Groß- and Klein-Kollmar and Gut Seestermühe , these estates once belonged to Hans von Ahlefeldt († 1500 in the Battle of Hemmingstedt ) and had been reunited by the Counts of Kielmannsegg at the end of the 18th century. In his work as court lord he had access to the manor archives and led many lawsuits about the legal relationships of the goods, only the dispute about the belonging of the goods Groß- and Klein Kollmar and Neuendorf filled mountains of files. Matthiessen wrote various writings on legal relationships and historical-topographical-statistical treatises on various areas and locations of the duchies, which Hermann Biernatzki and Johannes von Schröder took over in their books. His book Die Holsteinische adlichen Marschgüter Seestermühe Gross- und Klein-Collmar , which he published in 1838, went beyond most historical-topographical-statistical treatises and is still indispensable for researching the history of the Holstein Elbmarschen . Detlef Detlefsen's volumes: History of the Holstein Elbmarschen (1891 and 1892) and Heinrich Rave's book: The districts of Kollmar and Seestermühe in historical and statistical terms (1901) are also based on his publications. Peter Matthiessen was appointed to the chancellery in 1839 and moved to Glückstadt in 1844, where he died in 1865.


  • Detlef Detlefsen : History of the Holstein Elbmarschen Volumes 1 and 2 (Glückstadt 1891 and 1892)
  • Wilhelm Ehlers: History and folklore of the Pinneberg district (Verlag JW Groth Elmshorn 1922)
  • Hans Ferdinand Bubbe : Attempt of a chronicle of the city and the monastery Uetersen Volume 1 Chapter I (CDC Heydorns Verlag Uetersen 1932)
  • Lothar Mosler : Blickpunkt Uetersen (history and stories 1234–1984) (CDC Heydorns Verlag 1985)

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