Peter Hendreich

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Peter Hendreich (* around 1631 in Danzig , Polish Prussia ; † 1670 ) was a French-born resident of the Electorate of Brandenburg in Danzig.


Henrique's ancestors came from northern France and had probably emigrated as religious refugees. The parents lived in Danzig. In 1648 Peter Hendreich enrolled at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) with his older brother Christoph .

In 1665 they both received the order to sort the electoral library in Berlin , of which the final report for the following year has been preserved. In 1667 Peter Hendreich was sent to his native city of Danzig as resident of the Electorate of Brandenburg (envoy). He died just three years later.


  • Table of contents of the messages of the West Prussian History Association. Danzig 1940. p. 39 digitized , with reference to issue 14, p. 70.

Individual evidence

  1. Hermann_PieperBased kingdom _Christoph . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 50, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1905, pp. 183-185 .; also Christian Krollmann : Old Prussian biography. Volume 1. Königsberg 1941. p. 265 Art. Christoph Hendreich