Peter Hirtz

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Peter Hirtz (* 1937 in Neumünster ) is a German sports scientist. He was one of the leading sports scientists in the GDR . His work on early childhood training has had a lasting impact on talent selection and promotion.


Hirtz was an active athlete and gymnast. From 1955 to 1960 he completed a teaching degree at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald (sport and geography). Between 1960 and 1961 he was a district sports teacher. From 1959 to 1983 he was head of the athletics section of the HSG Greifswald, 1961 scientific assistant at the sports science section, parallel to this postgraduate studies in pedagogy. After completing his doctorate in 1969 (subject: investigations into the dependency structure of athletic long jump in school children and long jump training in lower school physical education ) promotion to senior assistant, 1971 founding of the Bernstein Circle . 1973 promotion to lecturer. 1979 PhD B (subject: investigations into the coordination and motor improvement of children and adolescents ), then appointed as deputy director of the institute (director since 1985). 1981 appointment as professor. In 1990 he was elected Dean of the Philosophical Faculty and Member of the University Senate. Evaluated positively in 1992 and taken on as professor for sports science, retired in 2003. 1991-2002 Vice President of the International Association of Sport Kinetics , 1991-2001 Deputy Spokesman for the “Sports Motor Skills” section of the German Association for Sports Science , 1995-2005 President of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Athletics Association (then Honorary President). The WorldCat has 32 books by him.

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Hirtz (ed.): Coordinative skills in school sports: versatile, varied, unusual. Berlin: People and Knowledge, 1985
  2. Through the collaboration with scientists from different disciplines and nationalities, this is a good example of the innovative strength of young sports science in the GDR, cf. Arnd Krüger & Paul Kunath: The Development of Sports Science in the Soviet Zone and the GDR, in: Wolfgang Buss , Christian. Becker et al. a. (Ed.): Sport in the Soviet Zone and the early GDR. Genesis - structures - conditions . Schorndorf: Hofmann 2001, 351 - 366.
  3. ; up 20th September 2016