Peter Illing

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Peter Illing (born March 4, 1899 in Vienna as Peter Ihle ; † October 29, 1966 in London ) was an Austrian- British actor .


He started his first engagement in 1919 in Olomouc . Just a year later he came to Berlin , where he played at the Lessing Theater and the German Art Theater . During the 1920s and early 1930s he was employed at various theaters in Berlin, most recently at the Deutsches Theater .

The seizure of power by the National Socialists in 1933 prompted him to return to Vienna, where he continued to work on the local comedy as an actor and director. He finally emigrated to London in 1938, where he renamed himself Peter Illing and later also took on British citizenship.

During the war he was involved in BBC propaganda broadcasts addressed to Germans . After the war, he became a busy supporting actor in Great Britain, impersonating foreigners, shady characters and villains.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1922: Tabea, get up!
  • 1930: The shot in the sound film studio
  • 1930: The woman - the nightingale
  • 1931: Sunday of Life
  • 1932: Five from the jazz band
  • 1932: A very rich man
  • 1947: Silver Darlings
  • 1947: Adventure in Brazil (The End of the River)
  • 1949: Two young hearts (Floodtide)
  • 1950: State Secret
  • 1950: Demon Uran (My Daughter Joy)
  • 1950: Secret Service Strikes (I'll Get You for This)
  • 1951: The Outcast of the Islands ( Outcast of the Islands )
  • 1953: It started in Moscow (Never Let Me Go)
  • 1954: Flame and the Flesh
  • 1954: West of Zanzibar
  • 1954: The Young Lovers
  • 1954: Svengali
  • 1955: That Lady
  • 1955: Hahn im Korb (As Long as They're Happy)
  • 1956 Bhowani Junction (Bhowani Junction)
  • 1956: Jaguar packs up (Passport to Treason)

Radio plays


  • Kay Less : 'In life, more is taken from you than given ...'. Lexicon of filmmakers who emigrated from Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945. A general overview. P. 256 f., ACABUS-Verlag, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86282-049-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The best known is his recording (as a singer) in 1941 of Das Lied vom Stacheldraht. : "The world is just a trench / German cockroaches swarm in it / like rust-eaten barbed wire. // Because we have nothing better to bite / nothing better to offer / This is how the Nazi state produces / Only barbed wire, just barbed wire. " On CD: "Here is England!" Historical recordings of the German service of the BBC . Composer Mischa Spoliansky