Peter Jacob Hedde

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Peter Jacob Hedde (born November 24, 1791 in Friedrichsgabekoog ; † May 6, 1868 in Brunsbüttel ) was a parish bailiff.


Peter Jacob Hedde was a son of the parish bailiff Johann Hedde (* 1766 in Schafstedt ) and his wife Anna Christiane (* 1769). The ancestors on the father's side can be traced back to around 1450 in Dithmarschen , where they provided many parish bailiffs.

Hedde attended a school in Tellingstedt and from 1809 to 1812 the Christianeum . From 1813 to 1814 he studied at the University of Kiel . On September 13, 1815, at the age of 23, he took over the post of parish bailiff in Brunsbüttel, which he held until the end of his life.

In 1823 Hedde married Helena Sophia von der Smissen in Hanerau . The couple had three sons and three daughters. The son Johann Hedde (1826–1915) fought in 1848 as a member of the Corps Holsatia in the student corps , was later the last parish bailiff in Dithmarschen and then a district judge in Altona . The son Heinrich Peter Hedde (* 1836) worked as a lawyer in Marne (Holstein) . The daughter Agnes Dorothea moved to Copenhagen when they married and started a large family there.

During the February flood of 1825 , Hedde succeeded through personal commitment and courage to save Brunsbüttel as one of the few places from a dike breach. For this he was made a knight of the Dannebrog Order a year later . Friedrich VI. (Denmark and Norway) also offered him the post of finance minister, which Hedde refused to accept.

Hedde was considered a virtuoso narrator, whom the king invited and asked for stories during his annual inspections in Kiel. Hedde wrote memoirs on childhood, school and university visits, which can be viewed as a document on the contemporary history of those years.


  • Irene Voigt-Lassen: Hedde, Peter Jacob . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 1. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1970, pp. 158–159

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Hedde: Kösener Korpslisten, 1910, 134 , 251