Peter M. Endres

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Peter Martin Endres (born October 5, 1953 in Ulm ) was CEO of today's Ergo Direkt insurance company from 2003 to 2013 . At the same time he was chairman of the supervisory board of Neckermann Insurance.

Endres joined the company in 1990 as director of direct sales at Quelle Insurance and was a member of the board from 1998. Endres was also a board member of Neckermann Versicherung from 1998 to 2000.

Before joining Ergo Direkt Versicherungen , the graduate engineer worked as a marketing specialist in various functions, including at Kodak AG in Stuttgart . In 2011, Endres starred in several Ergo-Direkt commercials that were broadcast in the same year and in 2012.

On November 27, 2013, the company announced that Endres would step down as CEO of Ergo Direkt Insurance at the end of 2013.

In January 2014 Endres published together with the brain researcher Gerald Hüther the book Lernlust on the subject of innovative educational projects and the development of potential of employees in companies. The book supports the foundation initiated by Endres, which was renamed EduAction in 2015.

Endres has been working with David Diallo on the idea of ​​a media group on sustainability since 2014 . Together they founded the Impact Ventures Group in Berlin, whose aim is to provide information on the topic of sustainability ( Enorm ,,,,

Endres has been a member of the supervisory board of the insurance group Die Bayerische since July 2019 . He also works on the sustainability advisory board of Pangea Life and on the advisory board of BVV Holding AG.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Bavarian: New chairman of the supervisory board for the Bavarian. In: July 11, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 (German).