Peter Rastl

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Peter Rastl (born November 20, 1945 in Bad Aussee ) is an Austrian computer scientist , has been the head of the central IT service at the University of Vienna for many years and is considered the "father of the Internet" in Austria.


Peter Rastl studied chemistry , physics and mathematics at the University of Vienna and then obtained his doctorate at the Faculty of Natural Sciences with his dissertation Die k. p-APW method for calculating energy band structures . In 1970 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Statistics , from 1971 to 1974 as chief programmer. In 1974 Rastl took over the management of the University of Vienna's Interfaculty Computing Center, which in 1976 became the University of Vienna's EDP Center, now the Central Informatics Service (ZID).

Austria has been continuously connected to the Internet since August 10, 1990, when, on Rastl's initiative, a dedicated line between the Geneva nuclear research center CERN and the University of Vienna was converted to the Internet protocol TCP / IP . He registered the internet domain at for Austria and created only four subdomains: for the academic area, for the sovereign, for the commercial and for the other areas. In the following years he expanded the Austrian academic network ACOnet (Austrian Academic Computer Network). Until 1998, the ZID of the University of Vienna managed all Austrian internet addresses.

Rastl is a founding member and Vice President of the Association of Internet Service Providers Austria (ISPA) and on the board of CEENet (Central and Eastern European Networking Association). From 1997 to 1999 he was chairman of the supervisory board of the European internet provider Ebone. 1981 to 1990 he was also General Secretary of the Austrian Society for Ornithology .

Individual evidence

  1. Anna Kim: Peter Rastl, father of the Austrian Internet, turns 60 ( Memento from April 3, 2013 in the web archive )
  2. June 11, 2005: Pioneers: Die Web-Bereiter
  3. ^ Peter Rastl: It started at the University of Vienna. 10 years of Internet in Austria in Comment 00/2, communications from the Central IT Service of the University of Vienna, June 2000.
  4. University of Vienna celebrates 20 years of the Internet in Austria. Conference announcement, May 25, 2010.
  5. Interview with Peter Rastl on ORF .at, May 18, 2010.
  6. a b The Internet is at the very beginning at , March 28, 2004.
  7. Dieter N. Unrath: Peter Rastl: The "Father of the Internet" in Austria ( Memento from October 23, 2007 in the Internet Archive )