Peter Schäcker

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Peter Schäcker (born March 10, 1920 in Dresden ; † May 15, 1991 ) was a journalist for various newspapers and the Bavarian radio . There he headed the editorial department for media and public relations.


Peter Schäcker was born on March 10, 1920 in Dresden . After the war he came to Munich and worked as a journalist for various newspapers, including a. for the Neue Zeitung and the Quick . In 1962 he moved to the BR, where he worked for the radio and for the study program. Finally, in 1967, he became head of the media and public relations department. From here he created the programs "BR intern" and "Funk intern", with which television and radio presented themselves to the public. With these programs Schäcker became an important "bridge builder to the audience".

Peter Schäcker was one of the co-founders of the Munich press club. In 1981 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for his achievements as a journalist . At the end of March 1985 he retired, but remained connected to the BR. On May 15, 1991, Peter Schäcker died of the consequences of a car accident.

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