Peter Schilperoort

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Peter Schilperoort with keffiye (1969)

Anne Peter Schilperoort (born November 4, 1919 in The Hague , Netherlands; † November 17, 1990 in Leiderdorp ) was a Dutch musician of swing and Dixieland jazz who led the Dutch Swing College Band for several decades .

Live and act

Schilperoort took piano lessons as a child and later taught himself the clarinet, piano, baritone sax and guitar as an autodidact . The musician, also known as Pat Bronx , first appeared with the Bouncers (from 1938) and then with the Swing Papa’s (from 1939), with whom he recorded in 1941. During the German occupation of the Netherlands, jazz as "Negro music" had an increasingly difficult time. Despite name changes in Slingervaders and Residentie Dansorkest , the demand for the Swing Papas declined; therefore the ensemble disbanded in 1943. He then worked in a formation that played Hawaiian and Spanish dance music for the radio. After the liberation of the Netherlands, he played jazz again: In 1945, Schilperoort was one of the founders of the Dutch Swing College Band , which he directed between 1946 and 1955 and which led to its first successes. Between 1955 and 1959 he left to work as an engineer at Fokker. He organized the band after his re-entry in 1960 as a professional ensemble; from Joop Schrier he took over the direction again and led the group until his death in 1990. In 1962 he was involved in the short film Big City Blues . He also recorded the album Double Dutch with Jan Mol (1942), with the Rhythme All Stars (1958) and in 1970 with Wout Steenhuis and the Roland Shaw Orchestra .

Lexigraphic entries


  1. In the course of 1942, a program adopted by the German occupation to “regulate musical life” got off to a slow start, forbidding dance events and also leading to jazz bands being renamed. The Swing Papa’s became the Slingervadders , who then completely stopped their work in 1943 under the conditions made difficult by the work assignments. See Kees Wouters, Von den Wandervögeln zum Wanderers Hotclub. In: Wolfram Knauer (Ed.) Jazz in Europe. Darmstadt Contributions to Jazz Research, Vol. 3 Hofheim 1994, pp. 51–71.
  2. ^ Dutch Swing College Band. In: Martin Kunzler : Jazz Lexicon. Volume 1: A – L (= rororo-Sachbuch. Vol. 16512). 2nd Edition. Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-499-16512-0 .
  3. Peter Schilperoort at Discogs (English)