Parish church Eschenau in Lower Austria

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Catholic parish church of St. Katharina in Eschenau
View under the gallery into the nave to the choir

The parish church of Eschenau is located in the municipality of Eschenau in the Lilienfeld district in Lower Austria . The Roman Catholic parish and pilgrimage church consecrated to St. Catherine of Alexandria - incorporated into the Lilienfeld monastery - belongs to the Lilienfeld dean's office in the diocese of St. Pölten . The church is a listed building ( list entry ).


The core early Gothic hall church from around 1300 with a retracted square choir bay has a mighty high south tower on the nave, which was built in 1541, and an early baroque sacristy annex to the north of the nave.


The altars were built between 1954 and 1961. The altar on the east wall shows the altarpiece of St. Catherine painted by Martinus Altomonte in 1737 and carries the side statues Magdalena and Barbara from the second quarter of the 18th century from the former gate church of St. Magdalena in Lilienfeld. Above the side altar there is the figure of Pietà and the figure of the Heart of Jesus .

The vestry cupboard is from the 17th century. The baroque holy water font is from the 18th century. In the confessional chapel there is a crucifix with Mater Dolorosa from around 1800. The Stations of the Cross are from the second half of the 19th century.

The organ was built by Max Jakob in 1898.


Web links

Commons : Pfarrkirche Eschenau  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 2 '50.7 "  N , 15 ° 33' 59.8"  E