Parish church Stall in Mölltal

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Exterior view
inside view

The Roman Catholic parish church Stall in Mölltal is north of the village of the same name on a mountain slope. It is dedicated to St. George .


The church was first mentioned between 957 and 993. A complete parish chronicle has existed since 1336. In 1787 Winklern and Rangersdorf were separated from the large parish of Stall as independent parishes. In a fire in 1825, the tower and the church roof collapsed. 1831 found rededication of the church instead, only in 1899 the tower was rebuilt.

Building description

The church is a Gothic building with a three-bay nave and saddle roof, a choir with a four-sixth of a quarter, a northern chapel extension from 1932 and a presumably baroque vestibule. The nave is supported on the south side by mighty, stepped buttresses . The five-story tower is crowned by a pointed gable helmet. Benedikt Fiering cast a bell in 1584.

A star-ribbed vault rises above the nave over strong pillars with semicircular templates . The quadrupeds in the vaulted fields were painted with half-length saints at the end of the 15th century. The late Gothic gallery over a pressed pointed arch in the west yoke was provided with a swinging balustrade in the 18th century. Original tracery has been preserved in the two high lancet windows on the south wall of the nave . A deep triumphal arch connects the nave with the choir. The rib vault in the end of the choir dates from the 14th century, the groin vault in the choir bay from the Baroque. The mural in the choir from the second quarter of the 19th century shows the parable of the prodigal son .


Josef Staudacher from Sexten made the high altar, the side altars and the pulpit in neo-Gothic style in 1847 . The high altar with a shrine-like structure shows a relief with the dragon slaying George in the center. The statues of the Apostles Peter and Paul stand on the side on consoles . The altar panel on the right side altar depicts Mary and Child, that of the left altar depicts the crucifixion. On the altar in the chapel there is a Pietà . There are reliefs of the four evangelists on the pulpit basket . The church also features a Man of Sorrows , a painful Mother of God from the 18th century and a Madonna from the 18th century with a neo-Gothic setting .


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 900 f.

Web links

Commons : Church in Stable  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 53 '20.6 "  N , 13 ° 1' 59.2"  E