Ordinary subject

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The term regular curriculum , even ordinary school subject , a standard subject or a compulsory subject in Austria compulsory subject called teaching in general education and vocational schools , all students during their at the school under dislocation relevant performance evaluation in grades or points required to participate. These include major subjects such as German and mathematics , the compulsory elective subjects and compulsory exercises such as music and gymnastics , which are mostly considered minor subjects , as well as the compulsory internships in higher vocational schools.

In most German federal states , religious education is a regular subject with a grade relevant to promotion (exceptions for Berlin , Brandenburg and Bremen ), as is religious education in Austria (except in some vocational schools, where it is optional). His visit is not voluntary, nor is it an elective. However, you can cancel for reasons of conscience , but then usually have to attend an ethics class , which is considered a substitute subject.

In contrast, there are elective courses , for example working groups (AG), free subjects , non-binding exercises or remedial lessons , which can at least be selected from a larger range, if participation is not even entirely voluntary (for example theater AG or in Berlin religious education).