Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR

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The Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR (PhG-GDR) was founded on May 15, 1955 in Leipzig as an association to “maintain scientific life in the field of pharmacy and to promote further education and interdisciplinary cooperation with medical and scientific fields”. On September 8, 1990, the PhG-GDR in Berlin joined the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) founded in 1890 .

Regional companies

The PhG-GDR had developed into an umbrella company in the course of its history. At last there were eight regional companies, including the Scheele Society. A "Society for the History of Pharmacy" was also affiliated to the Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR .

The members of the Society of Pharmaceutical History dedicated themselves to a with the investigation of the location and condition of the graves of famous pharmacists such as Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner (born December 13, 1780 in Hof; † March 24, 1849 in Jena), Hermann Hager (born January 3, 1816 in Berlin; † January 24, 1897 in Neuruppin), Heinrich Wilhelm Ferdinand Wackenroder (* March 8, 1798 in Burgdorf; † September 4, 1854 in Jena), Hermann Thoms (* March 20, 1859 in Neustrelitz; † November 28, 1931 in Berlin), Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Meißner (* July 2, 1792 in Halle; † April 30, 1853 Halle / Saale), Johann Friedrich August Göttling (* June 5, 1753 in Derenburg; † September 1, 1809 in Jena), Friedrich Albrecht Carl Gren (* May 1, 1753) 1760 in Bernburg; † November 26, 1798 in Halle (Saale)), Rudolf Boehm , (* May 19, 1844 in Nördlingen; † August 19, 1926 in Bad Kohlgrub; grave at the southern cemetery in Leipzig), Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge (* February 8, 1794 in Hamburg-Billwerder; † March 25, 1867 in Oranienburg), Theodor Fontane (* December 30, 1819 in Neuruppin; † September 20, 1898 in Berlin ) and Sigismund Friedrich Hermbstädt (born April 14, 1760 in Erfurt; † October 22, 1833 in Berlin).


The PhG-GDR awarded as awards

  • honorary membership
  • the Döbereiner medal (in memory of Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner ) together with a certificate and justification
  • the award for the promotion of young scientists
  • Certificate of Honor from the Presidium.

Döbereiner Medal

The Döbereiner Medal is made of cast bronze and was designed around 1965 by Gerhard Lichtenfeld on behalf of the Secretariat of the Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR - under the presidency of Walter Poethke - by the then General Secretary Lothar Reppel in Halle (Saale) . On the front of the round medal, which included a square cardboard case, the left-facing bust of the German chemist is depicted, with his first and last name in capital letters and his lifetime. The three-line inscription on the back reads: FOR MERIT IN THE FIELD OF THE PHARMACY and the "Pharmaceutical Society of the German Democratic Republic" is also named in capital letters as the medal donor.

On the reverse there is also the medal signature of the artist "GL". The case medal has a diameter of 94 millimeters.

Medal holder

One of the first to be honored with the Döbereiner medal was the professor with the chair for pharmacy a. Food chemistry at the then Institute for Pharmacy and Food Chemistry as well as acting institute director (1965–1966) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Friedrich Schiller University Jena Walter Poethke (* May 30, 1900; † January 30, 1990).

Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Harald Bräuniger (* 1911; † 1988) was appointed Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry on May 24, 1968 for his outstanding services as a researcher and pharmaceutical university professor, in particular because of his work on drug synthesis and his honorary work as long-term chairman of the Scheele Society honored with the Döbereiner medal.

The pharmacist and natural product chemist Peter Nuhn , who is now considered the nestor of pharmaceutical chemistry in Germany and was a lecturer at the University of Leipzig at the time, was awarded the Döberreiner Medal on October 23, 1978 by the then President of the Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR, Lothar Reppel honored "in recognition of his services to pharmaceutical science and as secretary of the working group for drug synthesis and medicinal plant research."


In accordance with the statutes, the society headed a presidium, which was elected by a delegate assembly. The chairman of the presidium carried the title "President". The General Secretary stood by his side. Four presidents presided over the PhG-GDR from 1955 to 1990:

  • Johannes Valentin from 1955 to 1958
  • Walter Poethke from 1958 to 1968
  • Lothar Reppel from 1968 to 1982
  • Joachim Richter from 1982 to 1990.

The president was represented by vice-presidents. In the four-year electoral period from 1978 to 1982, Joachim Richter, director of the Institute for Drugs of the GDR, and Günter Wagner from Leipzig University, head of the biosciences section, represented the president.

Trade journal "Die Pharmazie"

The Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR published the journal Die Pharmazie , to which the PhG-GDR newsletter was attached. In 1970 the journal Die Pharmazie became the company's official "organ". Until then, the two German societies worked closely together to publish the archive and the supplement under the title Communication from the German Pharmaceutical Society and the Pharmaceutical Society in the GDR , as the PhG-GDR was called when it was founded. Ulrich Bogs (Halle / Saale), Harald Bräuniger (Rostock), Horst Burghardt † (Berlin), Egon Hannig (Halle / Saale), Fritz Marquardt (Erfurt), Kurt Mothes (Halle / Saale) worked on the editorial board of the magazine Die Pharmazie , Siegfried Pfeifer - Editor-in-Chief - (Berlin), Walter Poethke (Jena), Roland Pohloudek-Fabini (Greifswald), Lothar Reppel (Halle / Saale), Joachim Richter (Berlin), Paul Sadowski (Berlin), Ulrich Schneidewind (Berlin), Rudolf Voigt - editor-in-chief - (Berlin), Günter Wagner (Leipzig) with. The place of publication was Berlin (East).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Handbook of social organizations in the GDR , ed. Academy for Political Science and Law of the GDR Potsdam-Babelsberg, Berlin 1985, keyword: Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR, pp. 136-137.
  2. Handbook of Social Organizations in the GDR , ed. Academy for Political Science and Law of the GDR Potsdam-Babelsberg, Berlin 1985, keyword: Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR, p. 136
  3. magazine The pharmaceutical Issue 9/1978 S. 619
  4. Heidemann, M./Steguweit,W. (Ed.): Art of medals in Halle in the 20th century , Berlin 2002, p. 142 No. 12; ISBN 978-3-7861-2462-7
  5. medal catalog ; Accessed: 11/11/2017
  6. Curriculum Vitae Entry by "Harald Bräuniger" in the Catalogus Professorum Rostochiensium, accessed on November 15, 2017
  7. Press release of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg from May 2, 2007 Colloquium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Pharmacy Professor Peter Nuhn
  8. Die Pharmazie , Issue 8/1979
  9. Neue Zeit daily newspaper , May 25, 1955, p. 2
  10. ^ Curriculum vitae published by the University of Leipzig
  11. ^ Portrait of Catalogus professorum lipsiensium
  12. ^ ADN announcement about the opening of the 8th Congress of the Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR in 1970 in Dresden, chaired by Prof. Lothar Reppel from the Pharmaceutical Institute of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, printed in the daily newspaper Neues Deutschland , 04.06.1970, p 4
  13. Berliner Zeitung , May 29, 1982, p. 2: Prof. Dr. sc. nat. National prize winner, President of the Pharmaceutical Society of the GDR, member of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, director of the Institute for Drugs of the GDR
  14. Verlag Volk u. Health Berlin (1951–1991), DNB portal