Johannes Valentin

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Johannes Franz Wilhelm Valentin (born April 20, 1884 in Prussian Holland ; † February 19, 1959 in Greifswald ) was a German pharmacy historian and professor at the University of Greifswald .


Johannes Valentin was born the son of a cantor in the former East Prussia . After attending private school, he went to high school. On July 1, 1901, due to the death of his father, he dropped out of high school and became an apprentice in the old town pharmacy in Gumbinnen . In 1904, Valentin passed the assistant exam and worked in various pharmacies in what was then East Prussia. In 1906 he passed the Abitur in Rastenburg and in the same year began studying pharmacy at the University of Königsberg . In 1908 Valentin passed the state examination for pharmacy and a year later the association examination for chemistry. Since 1907 he worked as an assistant in the pharmaceutical-chemical laboratory and passed the examination for the higher teaching degree in the subjects chemistry, mineralogy , boatanics , zoology and physics. Valentin received his doctorate in 1912 under the direction of Erwin Rupp. Then he got a job as a teacher at the Queen Louise School in Tilsit.

In 1927 Valentin became a teacher in Königsberg . In the following years, publications of his chemical-pharmaceutical research work and numerous publications on the history of pharmacy appeared regularly. In 1936 he received a lectureship in pharmacy history at the University of Königsberg and gave lectures in this subject. Valentin was critical of National Socialism, which is why he was not appointed honorary professor until 1944 .

From 1945 to 1946 he lived as a refugee in Denmark. Then in 1947 he was given a position as a research assistant at the University of Greifswald , combined with teaching positions in the history of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical chemistry . In 1953 he became director of the Pharmaceutical-Chemical Institute at the University of Greifswald. He was also active in professional politics. In 1955, Valentin was elected as the first President of the Pharmaceutical Society in the GDR .


In addition to his earnings as a university lecturer, he promoted pharmaceutical science in Greifswald. In Greifswald, six pharmacists were able to complete their doctorate under his leadership, among them today recognized professors such as Günther Wagner and Wolfgang Weuffen . Valentin wrote a total of 75 publications and eight books, including papers on drug testing , pharmaceutical-chemical / analytical papers, and pharmaceutical history papers. As a university professor in Greifswald, Valentin also tried to educate his students and assistants in a technical as well as a political and ideological respect.

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Individual evidence

  1. Ch. Friedrich , H.-J. Seidlein: Pharmacy . tape 39 , no. 4 , 1984, pp. 262-269 .
  2. Ch. Friedrich , H.-J. Seidlein: Pharmacy . tape 39 , no. 4 , 1984, pp. 262-296 .