Philipp Bishop

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Philipp Bischof (* before 1484 ; † July 2, 1535 in Danzig , Polish-Prussia ) was mayor of Danzig and royal burgrave in the city.


He came from an influential Danzig patrician family ; his father Philipp Bischof was mayor and burgrave. In 1506 the son became a lay judge , in 1512 a councilor and in 1517 one of the city's four mayors. However, little was reported about him in the city records of that time.

It was only when his colleague Eberhard Ferber was deposed in 1521 and banned from the city in 1522 that Mayor Bischof became more prominent. He succeeded in winning over the angry citizens of the city, so that he remained in office even after the great uprising in January 1525 and continued to co-determine the leadership in the city. In 1526 he persuaded the skeptical insurgent population to let the Polish king into the city, which then led to the suppression of the riot and the restoration of the old order.

Bishop remained in office until his death in 1535.
