Philip III (Navarre)

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Philip's coat of arms

Philip III of Navarre , also known as Philip of Évreux (* 1301 ; † September 16, 1343 in Jerez de la Frontera ) was the younger son of Count Ludwig von Évreux (1276-1319) and Margaret of Artois (1285-1311), thus a grandson of King Philip III. of France .


He inherited the county of Évreux from his father in 1319, got the county of Longueville in 1325 and ten years later, as the husband of Queen Joan II of Navarre, he became King of Navarre ( de iure uxoris ). He owned extensive fiefdoms in both northern France and Navarre, and because of that property and family ties, he was of the greatest influence in both countries.

When he took part in the Reconquista in 1343 , he was fatally wounded.


Philipp and Johanna had eight children:

Web links

Commons : Philip III.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Charles I. King of Navarre
(de iure uxoris)
Joan II
Ludwig Count of Évreux
Charles II
Ludwig Count of Longueville
Charles II