Philipp Landmark

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Philipp Landmark (2017)

Philipp Landmark (* 1966 ) is a Swiss journalist . From 2009 to April 2016 he was editor-in-chief of the St. Galler Tagblatt .


Philipp Landmark grew up and went to school in Schaffhausen . After graduating from the canton school , he completed a traineeship at Schaffhauser Nachrichten from 1987 , where he had already worked as a freelancer during his high school days. Following a one-year stay as a freelance journalist in Oslo in 1993, Landmark became deputy editor-in-chief of the Linth newspaper in Rapperswil (SG) , and one year later he was appointed editor-in-chief. During this time he worked on the integration into the Zürichsee-Zeitung .

In 1999, Landmark returned to Schaffhausen, where he was head of the regional department and later as a journalist and member of the editor-in-chief of Schaffhauser Nachrichten . In 2006 he moved to the St. Galler Tagblatt as head of the city's editorial department , where he replaced Gottlieb F. Höpli, who had retired for reasons of age, in his position as editor-in-chief and member of the management team. In February 2016 he announced his resignation in response to a reorganization with which the NZZ media group brought together the national sections of the St. Galler Tagblatt and the Luzerner Zeitung under new journalistic responsibility. Landmark was then available to the newspaper for various journalistic projects.

In spring 2017 he founded Landmark Media GmbH based in the “Startfeld Innovation Center” in St. Gallen. He offers training and advice in the communications sector and continues to work as a journalist.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rolf App: “Incredible series of tests”. In: St. Galler Tagblatt . July 4, 2008 (Interview with Philipp Landmark)