Philipp Zeska

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Philipp Zeska (born April 27, 1896 in Vienna ; † August 5, 1977 there ; born as Philipp von Zeska ) was a chamber actor , director and writer .


Carl von Zeska's son was initially employed at the Vienna City Theater, and from 1920 at the Burgtheater , where he took on 320 roles. 1931–35 Zeska worked with Karl Edlitz in the management of the Burgtheaterstudios in the Akademietheater, 1940–43 he was a guest director at the Deutsches Volkstheater . In 1945 Zeska was a founding member and president of the " Society for the Promotion of New Drama ", from 1957–59 he was director of the city theater. In 1964 he received a ring of honor from the Burgtheater. Philipp Zeska was also seen in TV roles, including a. in the series Chief Inspector Marek .

His final resting place is in the Vienna Central Cemetery (33A-5-19).


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