Friedrich Borges

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Friedrich Borges (born April 18, 1909 in Hamborn , † August 22, 1975 in Ruhmannsfelden ) was a German SPD politician .

Friedrich Borges attended elementary school , did a commercial apprenticeship and then worked at August Thyssen-Hütte . In 1923 he joined the Central Employees 'Association , the following year the Socialist Workers' Youth (SAJ) and finally in 1927 the SPD. Because of his union work, Borges was fired from Thyssen-Hütte in 1932 and became an employee of the Central Employees' Association. With the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists in 1933 he was dismissed and unemployed. In 1936 he became an employee of the East Elbe Brown Coal Syndicate . With the beginning of the Second World War , Borges was drafted into the protection police in 1939 and later, from 1944, into the Wehrmacht .

After the war, Borges was already employed by the Berlin district office in Spandau in 1945 . In the Berlin election in 1950 he was elected to the district assembly in the Spandau district. Since Fritz Bühl (1919–1985) was elected as district councilor in Spandau in January 1959, Borges was able to move up to the Berlin House of Representatives . In the following election in 1963 he was initially elected to the House of Representatives, but resigned in February 1965 because he was elected as district councilor for finances in Spandau. He held this office until 1971.
