Philippe Dumanoir

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Philippe Dumanoir

Philippe Dumanoir (born July 31, 1806 in Capesterre-Belle-Eau ( Guadeloupe ), † November 16, 1865 in Pau ), bourgeois Philippe-François Pinel Dumanoir, in French often simply Dumanoir, was a French playwright and librettist .


Dumanoir grew up as a scion of the Pinel-Dumanoir family in Guadeloupe, which among other things became known for the greening of the Allée Dumanoir . He left the region in 1816.

As a highly productive writer, Dumanoir particularly focused on the genre of vaudeville . From 1836 to 1839 he was director of the Parisian Théâtre de Variétés . He has also appeared as a librettist for operas and ballets, including Grisélidis (1848) by Adolphe Adam . At the request of Frédérick Lemaître , in 1844 he wrote a drama with Adolphe d'Ennery about Don César de Bazan, a character from Victor Hugo's Ruy Blas .

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Individual evidence

  1. Christine Laurent JA: Allée Dumanoir, Guadeloupe. Retrieved June 13, 2018 (French).
  2. Pinel de Guyenne et Antilles | Le Monde des Pinel. Retrieved June 13, 2018 (fr-fr).
  3. Christian Goubault: Article "Dumanoir", in: Dictionnaire de la musique en France au xixe siècle . Ed .: Joël-Marie Fauquet.