Piatus of Seclin

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Statue of St. Piatus in a chapel in Anstaing
(19th century)
Portrait of St. Piatus; Glass windows in the ambulatory of the Cathedral of Chartres (1350)

According to Christian tradition, Piatus von Seclin or Piatus von Tournai ( French Piat ; * in Benevento ; † around 286 or 299 in Tournai or Seclin ) was sent by the Pope to proselytize the Gallic tribe of Menapier . He is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church and belongs to the group of "head wearers" ( cephalophores ). His feast day is October 1st, in Tournai October 3rd.


The little that is known about Piatus comes from tradition that only began after the 10th century. Allegedly he was a priest and a companion of St. Dionysius of Paris . Under Emperor Maximian (r. 286–305) he is said to have suffered martyrdom around 286 or 299 by severing the top of his skull ; allegedly he picked it up and went to the place where he wanted to be buried.


His bones were allegedly found in the year 641 by Bishop Eligius von Noyon near Seclin. Some relics were also brought to Chartres . Several churches in present-day Belgium and in northern France bear his patronage . In Tournai there is an annual procession in his honor with a newly made head reliquary.


Piatus is usually depicted in priestly robes and with a martyr's palm as attributes of saints .


  • Thomas Bauer: Piatus . In: Walter Kasper (Ed.): Lexicon for Theology and Church . 3. Edition. tape 8 . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1999, Sp. 380 .
  • Jean Dumoulin, Jacques Pycke: Topography chrétienne de Tournai des origines au début du XIIe siècle. In: Sacris erudiri. Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen. Volume 26, 1983, pp. 1-50.
  • Henri Moretus Plantin: Les passions de saint Lucien et leurs dérivés céphalophociques (= Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophy et Lettres de Namur. Volume 15). Namur 1953, pp. 122-131.
  • S. Pruvost: Saint Piat, martyr, apôtre du Tournaisis, patron de Seclin: sa vie, ses reliques et son culte. 3. Edition. Société Saint-Augustin, Lille 1922.

Web links

Commons : St. Piatus of Tournai  - Collection of images, videos and audio files