Pierre Bergé (physicist)

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Pierre Bergé (born September 16, 1934 in Pau , † September 4, 1997 in Paris ) was a French experimental physicist who researched chaos physics .


Bergé studied physics at the École Centrale in Nantes . Afterwards he was at the nuclear research center in Saclay des Commissariat à l'énergie atomique throughout his career (from 1957) . From 1979 to 1990 he was head of the condensed matter department and from 1991 to 1994 of the renamed department for condensed matter, atoms and molecules . He was also involved in national programs to improve physics education .

Bergé dealt with chaotic dynamic systems and turbulence, including in the Rayleigh-Benard experiment , where he and other researchers discovered various intermittency transitions to chaos.

In 1974 he received the Prix ​​Louis Ancel and in 1990 the Gentner-Kastler Prize , both awarded by the Société française de physique . In 1995 he received the Prix ​​science et innovation donated by the CEA


  • with Yves Pomeau , Monique Dubois-Gance: Des rythmes au chaos. 1994, ISBN 2-7381-0234-4
  • Editor: Les Chaos. Eyrolles 1988 (including his essay with Dubois on the Rayleigh-Benard system)
  • with Pomeau, Christian Vidale: L'Ordre dans le chaos: vers un approche deterministe de la turbulence. Hermann 1984, ISBN 2-7056-5980-3 ; English: Order within Chaos. Wiley 1986
  • with Pomeau, Vidale: L'espace chaotique. 1998, ISBN 2-7056-6345-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bergé, Pierre (1934-1997). IdRef.fr, accessed on November 5, 2018 (French).
  2. ^ Bergé, Dubois, Manneville, Pomeau: Intermittency in Rayleigh Benard convection. In: J.Phys.Lett. Volume 41, 1980, L 341
  3. Archives of lauréats des prix décernés par la SFP. Société française de physique, accessed on November 5, 2018 .
  4. La grande médaille et les grandes prix de l'Académie des sciences 2014. (pdf) Accessed on November 5, 2018 (see p. 41, on the list of previous winners).
  5. See also The Interview of Pierre Berge. Retrieved November 5, 2018 (French, English). for a summary.