Pierre Blanchar

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Pierre Blanchar (born June 30, 1892 in Philippeville , Algeria , † November 21, 1963 in Suresnes , France ) was a French actor and film director .

The grave of Pierre Blanchar in the Cimetière de Charonne cemetery in Paris


Pierre Blanchar studied acting at the Paris Conservatory and in 1919 joined the Odéon Theater ensemble. Since 1920 he has also been in front of the camera. He became known in 1926 through the film The Chess Player by director Raymond Bernard .

Initially a charmer and heartbreaker, he often played torn and complicated personalities in the 1930s, including an agent in Salonika spies and an abortion doctor in Memory Game .

In 1939 Blanchar was appointed to the Comédie-Française . 1941 lead actor in the historical film Der Oberst des Kaiser , he also directed twice.

He was considered an important organizer of the resistance against the German occupation and, after the liberation of Paris, spoke the commentary on the documentary La liberation de Paris . After the end of the war, he returned to the theater.

Blanchar died after brain tumor surgery. His daughter is the actress Dominique Blanchar (* 1927).


  • 1927: The chess player (Le joueur d'échecs)
  • 1929: The victory of Captain Fracasse (Le capitaine Fracasse)
  • 1929: Diane - The story of a Parisian
  • 1932: Wooden crosses (Les croix de bois)
  • 1933: The Strange Old One (Cette vieille canaille)
  • 1935: Crime and Punishment (Crime et châtiment)
  • 1935: Volga boatmen (Les bateliers de la Volga)
  • 1937: I am the culprit (Le coupable)
  • 1937: Mademoiselle Docteur (Mademoiselle Docteur)
  • 1937: Game of Memory (Un carnet de bal)
  • 1937: The Strange Mr. Victor (L'étrange Monsieur Victor)
  • 1937: Mattia Pascal
  • 1940: Wisps of the border (L'empreinte du Dieu)
  • 1941: December night (Nuit de décembre)
  • 1942: The Emperor's Colonel (Pontcarral, colonel d'empire)
  • 1943: Your only love (Un seul amour , also directed)
  • 1944: Knight of the Night (Le bossu)
  • 1949: Docteur Laennec
  • 1954: And there was light (La symphonie pastorale)
  • 1959: Katja, the uncrowned Empress (Katia)
  • 1961: The black monocle (Le monocle noir)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Death note in Der Spiegel , 49/1963