Pierre Bourdelot

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Rue de Tournon in Turgot's map of Paris, 1736

Pierre Michon Bourdelot (born February 2, 1610 in Senlis , † February 9, 1685 ) was a French doctor, anatomist, and free thinker . Bourdelot received scholars, merchants and authors in his cercle , the Académie Bourdelot , between 1664 and 1684.


Bourdelot studied at the Sorbonne (1629) and accompanied François de Noailles to Rome in 1634 . In 1638 he returned to France and became a personal physician in the house of the Condé family . When an uncle died, he inherited many books and manuscripts. In 1641 he founded the Académie Bourdelot , a group for scientists, philosophers and writers that met twice a month. When Louis II. De Bourbon, prince de Condé was arrested because of his fronde against the absolutism of Jules Mazarin , he left; In 1652 he helped Christina of Sweden with her mental and physical problems in Stockholm . Bourdelot's jokes and the poems of Pietro Aretino that he had with him had a positive influence on her, so that she recovered within four weeks. Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie and Maria Eleonora von Brandenburg were greatly astonished by his thoughts and behavior, and Bourdelot returned to France in 1653. In gratitude, Bourdelot was appointed Abbot of Macé. When Melchisédech Thévenot moved to Issy , he resumed his activities in the academy. Every Monday he was visited by many scientists in his house on Rue de Tournon. Nicolas Steno , Ole Borch (1626–1690), Reinier de Graaf , Joseph Guichard Duverney (1648–1730) provided criticism of Aristotle and Galenus , which flowed into his work Académie des curieux de la nature .

Works (selection)

  • 1671: Recherches et observations sur les vipères, faites par Mr Bourdelot, répondant à une lettre qu'il a receue de Mr Redi (C. Barbin, Paris).
  • 1672: Conversations de l'Académie de monsieur l'abbé Bourdelot, contenant diverse recherches, observations, expériences et raisonnements de physique, médecine, chymie et mathématique, le tout recueilly par le Sr Le Gallois; et le parallèle de la physique d'Aristote et de celle de Mons. Descartes, leu dans ladite Académie (T. Moette, Paris)
  • 1715: Histoire de la musique et de ses effects ... (Paris, 1715).

Individual evidence

  1. http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/itineraries/biography/FrancoisDeNoailles.html
  2. http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/bourdlot.html
  3. Rome and the Counter-Reformation in Scandinavia: The age of Gustavus ... By Oskar Garstein ( Online in the Google book search)
  4. Nicolai Stenonis epistolae et epistolae ad eum datae quas cum prooemio ac notis germanice scriptis edidit Gustav Scherz. 1 tom, p. 11. Copenhagen and Freiburg, Nordisk Forlag and Herder, 1952.
  5. Luuc Kooijmans (2007) Gevaarlijke kennis, p. 79.
  6. Digital edition on Gallica .
  7. ^ "Bourdelot, Pierre Michon." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 2008. Retrieved October 16, 2011 from Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-2830900570.html


  • Robert Mortimer Gascoigne (1987). A Chronology of the History of Science, 1450-1900 , Garland (New York): xi + 585 p. ISBN 0-8240-9106-X .
  • Katia Béguin, "  L'académie du Grand Condé  " in Actes du Coll. Règlement, usage et science dans la France de l'absolutisme (1999), éd. Tec et Doc, Paris