Pierre d'Estaing

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Pierre d'Estaing

Pierre d'Estaing , also d'Estaing , OSB (* 1320 in Estaing ; † November 18 or 25, 1377 in Rome ) was a French Benedictine , bishop and cardinal .


D'Estaing was born in 1320 at the family castle as the fourth of the nine children of Guillaume III. d'Estaing and his wife Esmengarde de Peyre. He entered the Ste-Foy monastery in Conques and became a monk of the Saint-Victor Abbey in Marseille . He got his doctorate in law.

He was prior of the monastery Saint-Genies-d'Olt ( Rouergue ), the monastery Sainte-Foy de Colombiers in the diocese of Meaux and the monastery La Canourgue ( Gévaudan ), which was not far from his home.

On November 19, 1361 he was elected Bishop of Saint-Flour . He built the church Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité in Villedieu and founded a chapter with six canons . On April 13, 1368 he was appointed Archbishop of Bourges .

On June 7, 1370, Pope Urban V created Pietro Corsini , the bishop of Volterra and Florence, as cardinal priest of San Lorenzo in Damaso and d'Estaing as cardinal priest of Santa Maria in Trastevere . In 1370 he was on a mission in Italy with Anglic de Grimoard . Therefore, he was not present at the 1370 conclave . The newly elected Pope Gregory XI. appointed him legate in Italy. From July 1371 to March 1374 he was in Bologna. In 1373 he was appointed Cardinal Bishop of Ostia e Velletri and Camerlengo .

He died in Rome on November 18 or 25, 1377 and was buried in Santa Maria in Trastevere .


Individual evidence

  1. Entry no. PA00093719 in the Base Mérimée of the French Ministry of Culture (French)
  2. ^ Estaing, OSB, Pierre d '. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website ), accessed January 4, 2019.
  3. Pierre Jugie:  ESTAING, Pierre d '. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 43. Rome 1993.