Pierre de Pardaillan de Gondrin d'Antin

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Pierre de Pardaillan de Gondrin d'Antin (born December 18, 1692 in Versailles , † November 4, 1733 in Bougey ) was a French Roman Catholic bishop, Commendatarabbot and member of the Académie française and the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres .

life and work

Pierre de Pardaillan belonged to the noble family Pardaillan . He was the grandson of Louis Henri de Pardaillan and Madame de Montespan and the son of Louis-Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin (* 1665-1736), later Duc d'Antin. He was a kind of child prodigy, insofar as he was able to recite the Bible in Hebrew, Greek and Latin by heart to his teacher Étienne Fourmont (1683-1745) very early on. He came to the court and in 1713 was Commendatabab of the Abbey of Montiéramey and the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Lyre in La Vieille-Lyre , as well as a Canon in Paris (1724 Strasbourg). In 1718 he received his doctorate in theology. Archbishop René-François de Beauveau de Rivau (1664-1739) of Toulouse made him his vicar general. From 1724 he was Bishop of Langres , thereby Duke and Peer of France . During his episcopate, the diocese of Dijon was founded in 1731 (with his consent) , whereby the diocese of Langres lost a lot of its size.

From 1716 Pardaillan was a member (associé) of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-Lettres (1721 honoraire ). In 1725 he was elected to the Académie française (seat no. 38).

He died in 1733 at the age of 40. Apart from occasional speeches, no writings have survived from him.


  • Histoire de l'Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres . Vol. 3. Paris 1740, pp. 176-185.
  • Claude Muller: Pierre de Pardaillan de Gondrin, évêque de Langres et chanoine du grand chapitre de Strasbourg . In: La Vie en Champagne 73, 2013, p. 29ff. [1]

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