Pierre du Bourguet

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Pierre du Bourguet (born January 21, 1910 in Ajaccio , † December 30, 1988 in Paris ) was a French Jesuit, archaeologist, Egyptologist and art historian for early Christian, Coptic and Byzantine art.

He went to school in Lyon and studied from 1944 to 1946 at the École pratique des hautes études and 1947/48 at the University of Oxford and was a member of the French archaeological institute in Cairo from 1953 to 1957 . He was a student of Father Étienne Drioton (1889–1961).

Bourguet was professor of Egyptology from 1949 and from 1958 for pre-Christian, Coptic and Byzantine art at the École du Louvre . At the Institut catholique de Paris he headed the Institute for Ancient Oriental Languages. He was chief curator at the Louvre with responsibility for the Coptic and Egyptological collections for the time of the New Kingdom, and at times also for early Christian and Byzantine art.

He traveled extensively in Egypt, digging in Deir el-Medina and in Kellia .

He was vice president of the French Egyptological Society.


  • with Étienne Drioton Les Pharaons à la conquête de l'art , Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1965.
  • Histoires et legends de l'Égypte mystérieuse , Tchou, 1968.
  • Contes de la vallée du Nil , Paris: Tchou 1968.
  • Grammaire fonctionnelle et progressive de l'égyptien démotique , Leuven: Peeters, 1976.
  • Grammaire égyptienne, Moyen Empire pharaonique , Leuven: Peeters 1971
  • L'Art Egyptien , Desclée de Brouwer, 1979.
  • Le temple de Deir al-Médîna , edited by Luc Gabolde, Cairo, 2002 ( Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire , 121).
  • Peintures chrétiennes , Famot, 1980.
  • Les Coptes , PUF; Que sais-je?, 1989
  • The Copts , Art of the World 1967
  • La Peinture paleochrétienne , Paris: Duca-Lafont 1965, Robert Laffont, 1992.
  • Early Christian painting , Bertelsmann 1964
  • Art paleochrétien , Éditions Cercle d'art 1971
  • Byzance , Lausanne: Ed. Rencontre 1964
  • Préhistoire Mésopotamie Egypte , Lausanne: Ed. Rencontre 1964
  • Catalog des étoffes coptes (Musée du Louvre) , Paris 1964

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