Pietro Peregrossi

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Pietro Peregrossi (* October 1220 in Milan , † August 1, 1295 in Anagni ) was a cardinal of the Catholic Church and belonged to the Roman Curia .

Peregrossi studied at the universities of Bologna and Orleans . In 1273 he became a canon of Notre Dame in Paris. Under the Popes John XXI. , Nicholas III. , Martin IV. And Honorius IV. He was Vice Chancellor. Pope Nicholas IV appointed him cardinal on May 12, 1288. He was awarded the titular church of San Marco . Peregrossi was cardinal deacon of San Giorgio , and of San Marco the following year.

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Individual evidence

  1. See: Moroni, Gaetano: Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni. Venice 1841. Vol. 7, p. 172
  2. See: Moroni, p. 172 and Novaes, Giuseppe de: Elementi della storia de'sommi pontefici da San Pietro. Rome 1821. Vol. 4, p. 15 The latter only mentions John XX. (i.e. John XXI.) and Nicholas III.
  3. See ibid.