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Pistoxenos ( Greek  Πιστόξενος , translated "faithful stranger") was a Greek potter who lived in the first half of the 5th century BC. Was active in Athens . Seven skyphoi and one bowl with his signature are known. He worked in his workshop with several important painters of the red-figure style , including the Pistoxenos painter , named after his pottery , the Syriskos painter , the PS painter and Epiktetos .

Based on the signature Πιστοχσενος Συρισκος εποιεσεν on two skyphoi, Martin Robertson put forward the theory that the potter and painter Syriskos (translated “little Syrian”, identical to the Copenhagen painter ) had given up painting with the name Pistoxenos and only worked as a potter.

Signed vessels

  • London, British Museum E 139 . Skyphos . Epictetus.
  • Florence, Museo Archeologico 2 B 2. Fragment of a skyphus.
  • Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire A 11. Skyphos. Syriskos painter .
  • Paris, Louvre C 108118. Skyphos. Syriskos painter.
  • Schwerin, State Museum 708 . Skyphos. Pistoxenos painter.
  • Formerly Capranesi. Shell (lost).
  • Whitby, Mulgrave Castle, Lord Normanby collection. Bowl. PS painter.
  • Whitby, Mulgrave Castle, Lord Normanby collection. Shell Skyphus. PS painter.



  1. Both Whitby, Mulgrave Castle, Lord Normanby Collection.
  2. ^ Martin Robertson: Beazley and After . In Münchner Jahrbuch der Bildenden Kunst 27, 1976, pp. 42–43, critically see Dyfri Williams : Potter, Painter and Purchaser . In: Annie Verbanck-Piérard, Didier Viviers (eds.): Culture et cité. L'avènement d'Athènes à l'époque archaïque. Actes du colloque international organisé à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles du 25 au 27 avril 1991 . Boccard, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-9600094-0-1 , pp. 154-155; John Boardman is also rather skeptical : red-figure vases from Athens. The archaic time (= cultural history of the ancient world , volume 4). Zabern, Mainz 1981, ISBN 3-8053-0234-7 , p. 126; approvingly Philip Sapirstein: Methodology, Bibliography, and Commentary for the Painters in the Study. Online appendix p. 35 to: ders .: Painters, Potters, and the Scale of the Attic Vase-Painting Industry. In: American Journal of Archeology . Volume 117, 2013, pp. 493-510.