Pius Warburg

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Pius Warburg

Pius Warburg (born June 6, 1816 in Altona , Hamburg ; † November 25, 1900 there ) was a German banker , art collector and patron .


Pius Warburg, son of Wulff Salomon Warburg , who founded the Altona banking house WS Warburg in 1804, and Betty née Lazarus, studied at the University of Berlin after visiting the Christianeum , which he had to break off on the orders of his father in order to work with his parents Enter the bank. From 1842 to 1874 he was a partner in the bank, which he then passed on to his nephew Albert Warburg.

Warburg, whose real interest was in the political and cultural area, served as city ​​councilor in Altona from 1865 to 1885 . In addition, he acted from 1868 to 1877 as a citizen's word holder , ie as chairman of the city council. In addition, Warburg was a member of the Schleswig-Holstein Provincial Landtag from 1869 to 1887 and of the Provincial Committee from 1871 to 1887. In his house in the Palmaille, which developed into the center of artistic and social life in Altona, he received prominent guests such as Hans Christian Andersen , Ferdinand Tönnies as well as Johannes Brahms and Cornelius Gurlitt , with whom the excellent piano and cello player organized house concerts .

As a patron, Pius Warburg financed study trips for painters and draughtsmen, created an important art collection that he bequeathed to the Altona Museum in his will, and established the Betty-Stift, a philanthropic foundation for older single women, in memory of his mother.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Stolpersteine" [1] "Dr. Betty Warburg * 1881 Hochallee 5 (daughter of Albert Warburg)"