Plínio Salgado

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Plínio Salgado (born January 22, 1895 São Bento do Sapucai São Paulo (state) , † December 8, 1975 in São Paulo ) was a Brazilian politician, writer, journalist and theologian, he founded and directed the fascist Ação Integralista Brasileira .


Plínio Salgado was a son of the teacher Ana Francisca Rennó Cortez and Colonel Francisco das Chagas Salgado († 1911). In 1916 he founded the weekly Correio de São Bento . In 1918 he founded the Partido Municipalista in which the communal authorities of the Vale do Paraíba were formed and he married Maria Plinius Amélia Pereira. His only daughter, Maria Amelia Salgado, was born on July 6, 1919, and his wife died 15 days after the birth. Depressed, he found solace in the Brazilian Catholicism of Raimundo de Farias Brito and Jackson de Figueiredo . In 1920 he was editor and editor of the Correio Paulistano, organ of the Partido Republicano Paulista in Sao Paulo. He befriended Menotti Del Picchia . From February 11 to 18, 1922, he took part in the Semana de Arte Moderna . In 1924 he was employed in the law firm of Alfredo Egídio de Sousa Aranha . In 1926 he published his first novel, O Estrangeiro . In 1927 he published Literatura e política , which was inspired by Alberto Torres and Oliveira Viana : idealized feudal societies, anti- liberal and anti-democratic and searches with Cassiano Ricardo , Menotti del Picchia and Candido Mota Filho in the Movimento Verde-Amarelo e Grupo da Anta for the mythical meaning of Tapirs in the Tupí languages , which he assumes as the bearer of a Brazilian national identity.

In 1930 he supported the presidential candidacy of Júlio Prestes against Getúlio Vargas , traveled to Europe and returned as an enthusiastic supporter of Benito Mussolini during Revolução de 1930 , on 4 October 1930 and resumed in two articles in Correio Paulistano for Washington Luís Party . During the Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932 , he developed, in the Journal A Razão founded by Alfredo Egídio de Sousa Aranha , an intense campaign against the enforcement of the presidency of Vargas, during the dispute the editors of A Razão were set on fire.

After the Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932, which enforced the presidency of Getúlio Vargas , he supported Vargas. In 1935 he married Carmela Patti.

Ação Integralista Brasileira

The Ação Integralista Brasileira grew in the following years and carried out marches in different parts of Brazil
Plínio Salgado, center, at the closed conference, 1935 in Blumenau

Plínio Salgado founded the Sociedade de Estudos Políticos , which developed into a pool of intellectual sympathizers of fascism. On October 7, 1932, he published the manifesto of the Ação Integralista Brasileira with the Manifesto de Outubro . In 1937, Plínio Salgado campaigned for himself as a presidential candidate. In 1938, after Vargas had canceled the presidential elections, he approved of this in the hope that Vargas would adopt the Ação Integralista Brasileira as a state party. Getúlio Vargas did not exempt the Ação Integralista Brasileira from the general party ban on November 10, 1937. In March and May 1939 supporters of Ação Integralista Brasileira attempted rebellion against Vargas, Plínio Salgado was detained for 30 days and expelled to Portugal .

Partido de Representação Popular

In 1945 he returned to Brazil, he founded the Partido de Representação Popular with which he received 8.28% as a presidential candidate in 1955 , was elected to parliament in 1958 for the Paraná constituency and in 1962 for the Sao Paulo constituency.

Aliança Renovadora Nacional

In 1964 he was a speaker at the parades of the Marcha da Família com Deus pela Liberdade in Sao Paulo against João Goulart . After the Operação Brother Sam , all existing parties, including the Partido de Representação Popular , were banned. During the period of the torture regime, he was elected to parliament as a candidate for the Aliança Renovadora Nacional in 1966 and 1970 and retired from politics in 1974. He was a member of the Academia Paulista de Letras .

Individual evidence

  1. Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil - Fundação Getulio Vargas and Enciclopédia Mirador Internacional Plínio Salgado , Universo Online