Plancher Valcour

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Plancher-Valcour , real name Philippe-Aristide-Louis-Pierre de Valcour (born February 23, 1751 in Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives , † February 28, 1815 in Belleville ) was a French man of letters, actor and theater director.


At a young age, Valcour joined a traveling drama troupe. With this he worked as a comedian, but also wrote several, rather mediocre, dramas for them.

In 1785 he founded, together with actor Dorfeuille the Théâtre des Délassements-Comiques . The theater enjoyed great success until 1787, but then burned down. Together with a new partner, the police lieutenant Lenoir, they rebuilt the theater, although the surrounding theaters tried to prevent this. Thanks to his relationships, Lenoir was able to turn everything for the better. However, only pantomime shadow theater could be given behind a gauze wall.

On the day of the storm on the Bastille , Valcour stormed the stage, tore the gauze and shouted vive la liberté (long live freedom). He then changed his first name and called himself, quite republican , Aristide .

In 1792 Valcour became director of the Théâtre Molière , for which he wrote many plays that were also accepted at the Théâtre de la Cité . From 1793 to 1794 he worked as a scientific editor for the Journal de la Montagne . He also published his own journal, the Indépedant , which mockingly pointed out the grievances in politics. His plays during this time were strongly influenced by republicanism.

In 1800 he was appointed justice of the peace in the 5th arrondissement . From 1807 he appeared again, in the Odéon .

Oeuvre (excerpt)

Valcour's work is diverse. In addition to stage plays, he also wrote poems, novels and historical reflections.

Stage plays

  • La Folie chinoise , melodrama. 1805, Théâtre de la Gaîté
  • Bianco, ou l'Homme invisible , melodrama, 1803, Théâtre de la Cité
  • Le vous et le toi , Vaudeville, 1794, Théâtre de la Cité
  • Pourquoi pas? Ou le roturier parvenu, comedy, 1782
  • A bon vin point d'enseigne , comedy, 1781, Théâtre des Délassements – Comiques


  • Chanson des sans-culottes , songs, 1793
  • Le Consistoire, ou l´Esprit de l´Eglise : poème héroïcomique en six chants, poems, 1799

More fonts

  • Les trois évangiles, de la veille, du jour, et du lendemain , Allegories, 1793
  • Annales du crime et de l'innocence, ou Choix de causes célèbres anciennes et modern , 1813


  • Antoine Vincent Arnault: Biographie nouvelle des contemporains , 1820–1825, p. 450f., Digitized
  • Henry Lyonnet : Dictionnaire des comédiens français, ceux d´hier , 1906, volume 12, pp. 691f., Digitized
  • Gustave Vaperau : Dictionnaire universel des littératures , 1876, p. 1609, digitized

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