Pohlia wahlenbergii

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Pohlia wahlenbergii
Pohlia wahlenbergii (a, 145011-472953) 6104.JPG

Pohlia wahlenbergii

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Bryales
Family : Mniaceae
Genre : Pohlia
Type : Pohlia wahlenbergii
Scientific name
Pohlia wahlenbergii
( F.Weber & D.Mohr ) ALAndrews

Pohlia wahlenbergii (German Whitish Pohl moss or Wahlbergs Pohl Moss ) is a moss - kind from the family Mniaceae .


Pohlia wahlenbergii forms loose to moderately dense, 1 to 3 centimeters high, rarely higher, dry somewhat metallic, shiny, whitish to bluish green when young, reddish to brownish when older. The stems are green to reddish, loosely leafed and often strong rhizoid tomentose. When moistened, the plants are often difficult to wet. The upright to protruding leaves that run down the stem are ovate to eilanzettlich, somewhat larger, longer and narrower at the tip of the stem. The flat leaf margins are whole at the bottom and sawn away at the tip. The lamina cells are elongated hexagonal to rhombic and 12 to 30 micrometers wide in the middle of the leaf, narrower at the edge.

The species is diocesan . The yellow-red seta , up to 4 centimeters long , is curved and thickened at the top. The spore capsule, oval on a short neck, is inclined to pendulous, the capsule lid is arched and provided with a wart. The outer peristome is yellowish-brown and papillous, the inner yellowish. Spores are 14 to 20 micrometers in size and finely granulated. Bulbils ( brood bodies ) are not formed.

Location claims and distribution

The moss grows on base-rich to moderately lime-rich, partially also slightly acidic, moist to wet, fine gravel to loamy-clayey, moderately humus soil in light to partially shaded locations, especially on open slopes and embankments on streams and in forests, on and on paths, in trenches, often also on damp to wet, trickled rocks. It occurs frequently to scattered from the plain to the alpine altitude.

Worldwide there are occurrences in Europe, Asia, North Africa, America, Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic.


Web links

Commons : Pohlia wahlenbergii  - album with pictures, videos and audio files