Poinciana Plaza

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Poinciana Plaza is a neighborhood in Key West on Key West Island in the Florida Keys .


The residential area is north of Flagler Avenue and east of Kennedy Drive.


The residential units at Poinciana Plaza were built in the mid-1950s for US Navy servants . They were uninhabited in the late 1980s and 1990s and were remodeled before being rented again in 1998. The "Navy Base Realignment and Closure Commission", which took over the reorganization of the site after the Navy military base was closed, created affordable housing here in Key West. Through a contract with the Navy, the city was able to create 154 affordable housing units in Poinciana Plaza and bring them to city administration.

Individual evidence

  1. Key West Housing Authority - Key West Vision 2020, Five year progress review (PDF; 199 kB)

Coordinates: 24 ° 34 ′ 0 ″  N , 81 ° 45 ′ 30 ″  W.