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The Polesine (fem., Sometimes mask., In the Venetian language: Połéxine ) is an area in the north or northeast of Italy in Veneto . The Polesine lies mainly in the province of Rovigo and is therefore partly also called Polesine Rovigo . The Polesine is geographically limited by the area between the Etsch and Po rivers and their mouths to the Adriatic Sea .

Important cities are Rovigo and Adria .

The Polesine or the province of Rovigo in Italy


The name of the landscape comes from the Middle Latin Policinum (swampland). Numerous floods have repeatedly reshaped the land between the two rivers.

Both river beds have moved closer together over the centuries. Between the 12th and 11th centuries BC, the first Greek colonists settled in the Polesine and founded the city of Adria. It was not until the 6th and 5th centuries BC that the Etruscans and Venetians appeared in the region. Both Etruscans and Romans drained the Polesine through numerous canals, making it so fertile.

On October 17, 589, the Rotta della Cucca occurred, a flood of the Adige of catastrophic proportions, which the Polesine largely buried under itself. Adria was stripped of its importance and Rovigo was instead capital of the region. The flood of 950 changed the course of the Tartaro river . With the flooding of the Po in 1152, its river bed shifted to the north. In 1438 the Adige took on its new, present-day river bed that no longer flows through Rovigo.

Antonio Venier , Venetian doge from 1382 to 1400, took over the guardianship of Niccolò d'Este , the illegitimate younger son of the Duke of Ferrara. He lent him 50,000 ducats and received the Polesine as a pledge, which was eventually incorporated into the territory of the Republic of Venice .

The flooding in 1882 caused a significant wave of emigration, which caused more than 60,000 residents to leave the Polesine for South America. The last major flood in 1951 destroyed around two thirds of the area, which is why 150,000 people were evacuated.


  • Ives Bizzi: The Resistance in Polesine. Documenti e testimonianze , Giacobino, 1995.


  • Ives Bizzi: Cronache Polesane (1866-1894) , Giacobino Editore, Susegana 1982.
  • Ives Bizzi: Cronache Polesane (1895-1904) , Giacobino Editore, Susegana 1982.
  • Lorenza Perini: La proprietà fondiaria dei Pesaro e dei Soranzo Mocenigo nel Polesine tra XVIII e XIX secolo , in: Filiberto Agostini (ed.): Rovigo e il Polesine tra rivoluzione giacobina ed età napoleonica. 1797-1815. Atti del XXI Convegno di studi storici, Badia Polesine, Abbazia della Vangadizza, 12 dicembre, Rovigo, Palazzo Roncale, 13 e 14 dicembre 1997 , Minelliana, 1999, pp. 325-333.

Web links

Commons : Polesine  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Art. Venier , in: Lexikon des Mittelalters , Vol. VIII, Sp. 1474.