Upholstered saxifrage

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Upholstered saxifrage
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae)
Genre : Saxifrage ( Saxifraga )
Type : Upholstered saxifrage
Scientific name
Saxifraga diapensioides

The cushion saxifrage ( Saxifraga diapensioides ) is a species in the genus saxifrage ( Saxifraga ) in the family Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

The upholstered saxifrage is a perennial plant that reaches heights of 3 to 8 centimeters. It grows in dense, hard cushions and forms columnar, roof-tile-like leafed stems. The basal leaves , grown crookedly upright to the stem, are light gray-green, oblong-egg-shaped , blunt, 4 to 6 millimeters long and 1 to 2 millimeters wide. At the bottom they are weakly keeled, the top has 5 to 7 lime-separating pits and the bottom is weakly keeled. The linear stem leaves are densely hairy with long glands .

Generative characteristics

The flowering period extends from June to August. The dense long-haired inflorescence stem bears two to nine flowers. The hermaphroditic flowers are radial symmetry . The petals are up to three times as long as the glandular sepals . The white petals are 6 to 8 millimeters long and 3 to 5 millimeters wide, oblong, egg-shaped and multi-veined.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 26.

Saxifraga diapensioides is the Tombea saxifrage ( Saxifraga tombeanensis very similar).


The upholstered saxifrage occurs in the western Alps from the Maritime Alps to the Valais on limestone cliffs at altitudes of 1000 to 2900 meters. The upholstered saxifrage is rare. It does not occur outside of Europe.


  • Xaver Finkenzeller, Jürke Grau: Alpine flowers (Steinbach's natural guide). Mosaik Verlag GmbH, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-576-10558-1 .

supporting documents

  1. Jaakko Jalas, Juha Suominen, Raino Lampinen, Arto Kurtto: Atlas florae europaeae . Volume 12 (Resedaceae to Platanaceae). Page 148, Helsinki 1999. ISBN 951-9108-12-2

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