Porta Flumentana

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The Porta Flumentana was an ancient city gate of the Servian Wall in Rome . It originally came from the 5th century BC. BC, but like the entire city wall was in the 4th century BC. Chr. Renewed.

The porta Flumentana was near the Tiber , which explains its name. It was undoubtedly between the Capitol and the river, as the area was known as extra portam Flumentanam and was in the southern area of campus Martius - an area inhabited mainly by the wealthy. A more precise localization is not possible, but its location will probably be between the church of San Teodoro al Palatino and the street that is still called Vico Jugario today , or at the Temple of Portunus . It is located in the immediate vicinity of the porta Carmentalis , near the insula Tiberiana . The area was subject to regular flooding until the Augustan era.

The gate opened to the luxurious shopping street vicus Tuscus , which was the economic artery of the Etruscan quarter between the Capitol and Velabrum .


Individual evidence

  1. Festus 89.
  2. Titus Livius 6:20 ; 35, 9 and 21; Marcus Tullius Cicero , ad Atticum 7, 3, 9; Marcus Terentius Varro , Rerum rusticarum libri tres 3, 2.
  3. ^ Filippo Coarelli: Rome. An Archaeological Guide , p. 24.