Portal Tomb by Knockroe

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Scheme of the Irish portal Tombarten

The portal Tomb by Knockroe ( Irish An Cnoc Rua ) is located near Rathgeran in Carlow and Kiltealy in Wexford in the Knockroe Mountains in the south of County Carlow , near the border with County Wexford in Ireland . In the British Isles, portal tombs are megalithic systems in which two upright stones of the same height with a door stone in between form the front of a chamber that is covered with a sometimes huge capstone.

The east-west oriented portal Tomb is worked into the mountain with its back. The almost horizontal capstone is 3.7 m long, 2.7 m wide and 0.70 m thick. It is about 0.7 m above the chamber floor. Under the capstone itself marks appear similar to bowls ( English cups ) to be located, but this would confirm an excavation. Only one of the two portal stones, which tilted inwards under the weight of the capstone, is now 1.2 m high under the stone. There is evidence of dry stone masonry at the rear, the chamber floor is covered with gravel. On the surface of the capstone there is a horseshoe-shaped depression 0.17 × 0.12 m, the age of which is uncertain. The southern side shows a spiral motif about 0.4 m in diameter.

See also


  • Elizabeth Shee Twohig: Irish Megalithic tombs . Shire, Princes Risborough 1990, ISBN 0-7478-0094-4 ( Shire archeology 63).

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Coordinates: 52 ° 35 ′ 30.6 ″  N , 6 ° 47 ′ 8.1 ″  W.